But are the thigh high socks provided or must I purchase them separately?
If you wanted to truly punish them, install Debian Stable
Yes, the crime of giving them a stable OS that once it is set up keeps working reliably for years to come.
after i did such a harm to myself (installing arch), now i use windows 11
If you want the best of both worlds, go for EndeavourOS, an arch based distro.
Pretty chill GUI installer, only comes with the basic stuff and what you choose in the installer, like the desktop environment.
A few clicks and you have a functional arch install with everything setup.
Fedora hat checks out
If a laptop is left unattended long enough to do a fresh Arch install, it’s probably been abandoned anyway.
1 minute and 14 seconds?
Where do I buy that hat?
Become a Red Hat employee and you get one for free.
(genuinely, I know this sounds like a joke)