They promised to teach you how the world works didn’t they? Enjoy your undischargable debt indentured servant!
That is one busty gentleman.
That’s what I thought!!
One of the first things I learned was to never buy books before the first class.
I had a professor get upset no one had the book on day 1. In her defense, she heavily used the book.
She couldn’t understand that professors would make students a buy a book and never use it.
In another class a student had asked about the book a few days in, the professor’s response was “we have a book?” He inherited the class last minute and didn’t have time to look through all the materials.
One of my professors, instead of a textbook, created his own wiki-style online resource for the class. Completely free, frequently edited with improvements
One of the best classes I’ve ever taken
Another one picked a textbook that was available online for free through the university’s library =)
My favorite was my cultural geography class (amazing class btw) where the prof told us not to buy the book and handed out 3 ring binders to everyone with the entire book printed out in them😂
The US is strange
It’s all very normal when you recognize how much of our institutional structure is corrupted by profit-seeking.
Its no different than a police officer taking a bribe to let you out of a speeding ticket. Or a customs official demanding a kick-back to let a ship unload its cargo. Or a mafia goon shaking down a local storefront for “protection” money. Just institutionalized so there’s no risk of being punished.
There’s nothing strange about unfettered greed. The only strange part is that it isn’t (technically) a feudal system going along with it.