• Zorque@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    There is definitely a hyperfixation focused on Trump that he both adores and needs, and there definitely needs to be more focus on his cohorts (the ones that actually wield power, not pseudo influencers like Musk)… but ignoring him for four years won’t do anything better. And trying to call people out like you’re trying to do is not helping. It just helps further the divide between those on the left (or at least further left than the fence-sitters and “centrists”), which is exactly what Trump and his ilk desire most. Discord between the people who can hurt them most.

    • Majorllama@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I’m not saying to completely ignore the President of the United states. I’m saying that obsessing over him for every waking moment of your existence is doing way more harm to most of these peoples daily happiness than they should be.

      Like most things. The extreme ends of “I’m gonna complain about him as much as I possibly can at all times” and “I’m gonna unplug from reality and pretend he doesn’t exist” are both terrible.

      Probably better to be somewhere in the middle. Be aware of what’s going on. Hold firm on your beliefs but be open to being wrong. Don’t let it effect your daily existence.

      At the end of the day we only have full control over how we choose to spend our energy. These people are choosing to give so much of their time and energy to this situation they really can’t do much of anything about. Kinda like I spent too much time on social media arguing with people who are clearly never going to change their minds on anything.

      It is what it is I guess.

      • Zorque@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        The problem is you’re going about advocating moderation in such an extreme way. It’s kind of hypocritical. You’re not going to shout people into agreeing with you, at least not for any reasonable positions.

        • Majorllama@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Why would I shout at people who aren’t obsessing over a situation they can’t control and letting it bleed into their daily life?

          I would say the same things to any far right nutjobs that were posting how much they hated all the liberal snowflakes or Joe Biden every day, but those people don’t exist on this site. So yeah its gonna appear like I’m only calling out one side of this coin because this site is almost exclusively the left side of the coin. I can’t really call out people who aren’t here now can I?