Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2025


    2 months ago

    I’ve never personally tried adding the ’ before you import but the one document that was causing problems with that for me recently was an auto generated document so I couldn’t have possibly added any spaces or characters before excel went and messed them up anyways.

    2 months ago

    Oh I know. You can do that or just add a single space as well. But you cannot do that before the document is created so if you import something into excel it’ll just fuck all your numbers to shit and then you have to spend hours or days unfucking the numbers since even if you tell excel to treat that column as text only it won’t put the numbers back correctly.

    It’s actually impressive how dogshit Microsoft products have become over the years. They clearly knew this was a problem back in 2016 or wherlnever that beta version was floating around where you could just disable the automated date feature entirely beforehand, but I guess they decided they liked pissing off office workers more than giving people meaningful QOL updates over the years.

    2 months ago

    The fact that you can’t stop excel from doing that until you are inside the document means that if you ever import anything into excel it WILL break your numbers into dates and you have to fix them manually. If you are typing a fresh doc you can obviously change the settings but I spent hours working with Microsoft support and they basically gave up saying that they used to have a beta version where you could disable it, but they never added the feature to live excel and they just gave up.

    10/10 Microsoft.

  • Common sense/critical thinking 101.

    It is utterly baffling watching some people just bumble through life completely clueless.

    I have lost track of the number of adults who have no clue how do their taxes. They either have their parents do them or they pay someone to do them for themselves. I consider myself basically financially retarded, but I still learned the bare minimum to be able to do my own goddamn taxes.

    People don’t know the bare minimum about their vehicles and it ends up costing them thousands.

    People are oblivious to their surroundings and never prepared for anything even slightly.

    People just do things without a single thought towards the potential consequences of their actions.

  • Majorllama@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldBirth Lottery
    2 months ago

    Why would I shout at people who aren’t obsessing over a situation they can’t control and letting it bleed into their daily life?

    I would say the same things to any far right nutjobs that were posting how much they hated all the liberal snowflakes or Joe Biden every day, but those people don’t exist on this site. So yeah its gonna appear like I’m only calling out one side of this coin because this site is almost exclusively the left side of the coin. I can’t really call out people who aren’t here now can I?

  • Majorllama@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldBirth Lottery
    2 months ago

    Again there is a big difference between paying attention and making hating someone a major part of your identity which I know for a fact is true for many people who are chronically online and on the far left.

    And good on you for ignoring me. As you should. Exercise free will and don’t give time or energy to things or people you can’t do anything about.

  • Majorllama@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldBirth Lottery
    2 months ago

    I’m not saying to completely ignore the President of the United states. I’m saying that obsessing over him for every waking moment of your existence is doing way more harm to most of these peoples daily happiness than they should be.

    Like most things. The extreme ends of “I’m gonna complain about him as much as I possibly can at all times” and “I’m gonna unplug from reality and pretend he doesn’t exist” are both terrible.

    Probably better to be somewhere in the middle. Be aware of what’s going on. Hold firm on your beliefs but be open to being wrong. Don’t let it effect your daily existence.

    At the end of the day we only have full control over how we choose to spend our energy. These people are choosing to give so much of their time and energy to this situation they really can’t do much of anything about. Kinda like I spent too much time on social media arguing with people who are clearly never going to change their minds on anything.

    It is what it is I guess.

  • Majorllama@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldBirth Lottery
    2 months ago

    I never said he doesn’t have power over peoples lives. I simply pointed out that obsessing over him and making multiple posts about him every day all over the place does absolutely nothing but keep all of you angry for the rest of your existence.

    In no way am I excusing his behavior, but I am calling you out for keeping all your own lives way more miserable than they need to be.

    Y’all can keep your negativity circle jerk. I’ll worry about the things in my life I can actually control instead of constantly wasting my time and energy bitching on the Internet about a guy that I will never be able to influence on any way whatsoever.

    I genuinely feel bad for all of you. So full of hate for a man you can’t do anything about you’re letting him have more effect over your life and mental health than he ever should.

  • Majorllama@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldBirth Lottery
    2 months ago

    “I’m gonna prove to this random guy on the Internet how not obsessed I am with Trump by carefully listing out all the things I despise about him in one big paragraph. That’ll teach him”.

    Man you really showed me.

    All of you would feel much better on a daily basis if you stop obsessing over a guy you can’t do a single thing about. You voted. That’s about all you can do these days unless you are extremely wealthy.

    Constantly making posts about him and getting into a negative circle jerk does nothing for your own sanity. It’s legitimately unhealthy behavior.