Bryan Johnson, a 46-year-old tech multimillionaire focused on anti-aging, stopped using rapamycin—a supplement he took for five years—after research suggested it might accelerate aging.
Johnson cited side effects like skin infections and glucose issues, as well as findings from a recent study showing rapamycin could worsen epigenetic aging.
Known for extreme anti-aging experiments, Johnson also created the health startup Blueprint, which markets pricey supplements.
His controversial methods, including teenage blood transfusions and genital shock treatments, have raised skepticism about their effectiveness and safety.
It’s an unpopular opinion, but I actually appreciate this guy and what he is doing. He has opted to open his entire research and data to anyone that wants to look at it. So, even though he is definitely a weirdo, the data he is providing might be of some use.
I don’t want to look like a vampire, but if his research leads to the discovery of some protein that allows my heart to beat at full strength for a little longer, or slows down the onset of dementia, etc., then I’m all for him wasting his money trying to look like a Twilight cast member.
But he’s involving so many variables, is his data even useful? I don’t understand how you could extrapolate anything from a guy who takes so many supplements that may cause conflicting outcomes.
Yes, because anything that looks promising can be pulled out as a hypothesis to be tested properly.
It’s one guy who is going through like a million treatments.
It’s cool that the data is available but what helpful information can be gained from it other than “what happens if you do jackass but healthy?”
It’s not just “one of many” it was the big one that has a large online following swearing by it, and lots of idiots taking it.
Also I can’t see a pic of this guy without thinking of Dennis Reynolds asking if he should wear a mask of his own face.
Every time I think of Dennis Reynolds, I’m reminded of the episode where he tries to sell his car that got stuck in water, and he berates the guy for mentioning how the car isn’t even runnable.
Hah, sounds like his “research” is trying it out on himself and deciding he didn’t like it. And now that he doesn’t like it, all of a sudden he finds the research valid. He’s still only listening to opinions he agrees with. What a shallow twat.
I’m in my forties and he doesn’t look noticeably younger than I do except for my hair being salt and pepper. I don’t look exceptionally young or anything, it just doesn’t seem like his regimen is really doing anything that diet, exercise, and sunscreen can’t also accomplish.
I can imagine that having a hyperfocus on anti-aging and unstoppably aging at the same time, must be really stressful and at the end of the day, ends up contributing to a faster aging overall.
I think to be fair, you’ve got to compare his before and after, rather than comparing him to anyone else.
I certainly wouldn’t say he looks young, but I think he’s on a better trajectory.
this guy sucks. He’s conducting essentially a thousand uncontrolled trials on himself making them all useless unless he dies of a new contraindiction
This dude is just going to spend a bunch of money on shit that will eventually kill him. What a waste.
What an efficient allocation of capital!
The guy looks like one of those Kraftwerk robots.
This guy looks like he’s 60 cosplaying as a 20 year old
If it kills him sooner, that’s one less oligarchs billionaire to worry about.
Is this the trickle down economics everyone is talking about? shall we again start selling uranium, platinum etc beverages to the rich?
He has a team for this?
“Despite the immense potential from pre-clinical trials, my team and I came to the conclusion…"
Forget trickle down economics, this is insane just bring the guillotines.
The Dennis System for Aging
He just hit the final S in that system
He probably should have taken this medication under the supervision of Dr. Toboggan.
Had to check this wasn’t nottheonion
Lmao the picture of this dude is like Paul Rudd on Star Trek
I still can’t believe he took his kid’s blood to try to live longer.
Is it wrong to wish him success in his quest for longevity with a side of quadriplegia?
I see the proud tradition of drinking mercury concoctions is alive and well. I mean, not well, but…
Would be nice if the dude just went ahead and dove into taoist alchemy instead of trying to create a veneer of actual science.