Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
Information warfare is Russia’s specialty, in that its the only way they can fight NATO. Convetionally, they would be wiped from the field. and they know that. the Ukrainian army, that was "supposed " to last 3 days, completely shitrocked them and fought them to a bitter standstill for 2 years to the point the only way Russia could push forward, was by getting Ukraine’s allies to stab them in the back (information warfare).
They dont stand a chance in hell of defeating NATO militarily so their only option is to have NATO tear itself apart politically, (the third option of NOT being an imperialist warmongering sphere of influence obsessed peice of shit, is not negotiable, that concept is practically joined at the hip with Russia’s very identity)
Yet our biggest threat for misinformation has been and always will be the US.
The US certainly isn’t good on that front. But they’re nowhere near the mastery of it as Russia, Mainland Taiwan, or other Korea.
Did the US propaganda machine tell you that?
*Americans rushing in to tell you how not brainwashed they are*
Case in fucking point