Ukrainians in 2022 - We are very lucky they are so fucking stupid
Russian Mafia in 2025 - We are very lucky they are so fucking stupid
Ukrainians in 2022 - We are very lucky they are so fucking stupid
Russian Mafia in 2025 - We are very lucky they are so fucking stupid
I quit facebook about 5 months ago, when I finally snapped at just how vapid people were. The keyboard warrior energy was too much to bear. and that was on top of the political news spam.
news is actually banned from facebook in our country because of the rampant disinformation associated with it. so spammers got around it by disguising news as really shamless product advertisements, stuff like
“NDP LEADER JAGMEET SINGH KILLED IN FATAL CAR ACCIDENT, ON LIVE TELEVISION” - and it’s an advertisement for some Chatgpt generated lifestyle blog. Advertisement posted by an unverified account in Hungary or some shit
bro was given the choice to either ride off in disgrace, or be the man who willfully chose to do something that would start a second civil war. bro chose the former.
people are going to die. he just chose not to be the one to make the decision. its the runaway train / track problem. do nothing, and something horrific happens do something, and something horrific still happens.
For real, a couple of nice vehicles, a couple of properties, a business of 30-50 employees, and maybe a small team of domestic employees cleaners, sitters, contractors, security… thats what 10mil buys you. and im stretching it.
basically described my boss, minus the cleaners , sitters and security guards thing. (and his business is a modest sized car dealership…)
To be clear. What I’m talking about is russian influence and blackmail that ultimately leaves Europe divided and Infighting. Without the physical force part.
Effectively giving them the result they want without fighting the war of conquest to achieve it. I’m aware they can’t fight for shit. Ukraine showed that. But they are still tearing the west apart with information warfare.
The time to act on this was several months ago, now its too late. Russia regulatory captured the US, the US wont go to war alongside Europe against Russia now, So now, Europe either has to prepare for a shooting war, or accept russian hegemony over europe.
Ukrainians in 2022 - we are very lucky they are so fucking stupid Russians in 2025 - we are very lucky they are so fucking stupid
Information warfare is Russia’s specialty, in that its the only way they can fight NATO. Convetionally, they would be wiped from the field. and they know that. the Ukrainian army, that was "supposed " to last 3 days, completely shitrocked them and fought them to a bitter standstill for 2 years to the point the only way Russia could push forward, was by getting Ukraine’s allies to stab them in the back (information warfare).
They dont stand a chance in hell of defeating NATO militarily so their only option is to have NATO tear itself apart politically, (the third option of NOT being an imperialist warmongering sphere of influence obsessed peice of shit, is not negotiable, that concept is practically joined at the hip with Russia’s very identity)
Canada sucked major ass at the world juniors this year. USA has won back to back.
South Africa is already against America, they’re in bed with China and Russia, they’re the S of “BRICS”
Germany, Austria and Switzerland speak German, and are still different countries. US, UK, Canada, NZ and Australia speak English, and are different countries France and Belgium speak French, are different countries. The entire Arabic speaking world is spread across like 20 countries. Russia and Ukraine both speak Russian*, and one tried to merge with the other, violently, and are now bitter enemies probably forever…
Is “Fuck off and leave people alone” an option in peoples brains?
could have easily been right wing extremists, nazis and the like.
but who am I kidding , it always ends up leading to Moscow some way in another.
Europe needs to stop sitting on its hands, abandon this wait and see attitude, they should be at the figurative equivalent of DEFCON 2 by now. they need to seriously prepare for a shooting war. The expectation all this time has been that Trump will abandon not just Ukraine but Europe as a whole, he sees the continent as Russia’s plaything, whereas the western Hemisphere is his. They need to prepare for war.
Russia will still get cooked by European NATO, But the casualties will be tremendous on both sides, Putin acts as if he has Syphilyis or something eating his brain, he’s an old man and he will kill to secure his idea of being a “great man of russia for all time”. the Krokodil Vodka fiends have convinced millions of Russians that heroically dying in a war against the amorphous “West” is a pathway to heaven and glory not unlike Islamist Extremists and their 72 virgins.
truth doesnt matter, the only thing that matters is convincing you to vote for the people working for this cabal, so that they get to solidify their power and effectively game the system so that they can never lose again (Fidesz in Hungary, Likely GoP in America)
I thought you were insenuating that Euromaidan was a US coup, which is a common Russian Propaganda Copypasta. my mistake.
the conspiracy brain in me, looks at ranting from people like elon musk, who say there’s going to be a population collapse, and Im thinking of Resident evil, (the bad movies).
I think they’re banking on the hope that in 20 years there’s going to be billions fewer people in the world, we’re already close to setting it off with the unprecedented increase of state vs state wars since 2020. Azerbaijan/Armenia, Israel/Levant, and even bigger ones that we’ve not seen since the 80s like Russia/Ukraine and with all probability, China/Taiwan by 2028 at the latest.
they’re banking on there being less people to feed, house, and otherwise provide for. so they can fall back to a kind of corpo-feudalism
I guess I never looked into the Imran Zakhayev charachter very much, he just looked like a wrinkly old angry one armed russian dude to me.
what are you talking about, hysterical attention grabbers are their meal ticket.
Those still clinging to the rules based order need to realize they are under attack. Its war on multiple fronts.
Under attack by Russia, Iran, North Korea and Chinese military action. and Under attack by Often Russian aligned, Fascist elements within NATO countries. Trying to seize power globally.
Officially removed the last strings of being a colony in 1982. the head of state with the monarchy was kept as a tradition for the oldies.
Now more accurate to say Commonwealth member, Ally of many, and founding member of NATO.
Im still learning Lemmy, but for once it finally sent me to a place thats cool.
hello fellow vatnik tankie red-nazi z-gonk dunkers.