Same with Far Cry which is a shame because it used to be a really fun dumbshooter series. I got FC6 on sale last month and had to slog through it, I swore off the franchise after finishing the game and haven’t touched it since, even though there’s plenty of post-game content left for me.
You’re right Ubisoft, I am pretty comfortable not owning your games 🥰
They ran Ass cRee into the ground and launched Uplay with privacy violations.
I boycotted them after thinking they were one of the few good AAA companies.
Now they’re going to die.
Great. Maybe a better studio can reboot Ass cRee and make it wothwhile. Or you know, just leave it the fuck alone.
Same with Far Cry which is a shame because it used to be a really fun dumbshooter series. I got FC6 on sale last month and had to slog through it, I swore off the franchise after finishing the game and haven’t touched it since, even though there’s plenty of post-game content left for me.