• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Jesus Christ man reread this thread as if you’re not communist _synthesizer and try to realise how weirdly defensive you’re coming off.

    Ignore for a second whether cumfart is a trump sympathiser, you’re being presented with reasons why your meme doesn’t make sense and, instead of just owning up to it, you’re getting yourself all razzed up in some weird defense about why trump is still an asshole.

    Just admit that the meme could have been worded better/different whilst also still maintaining that trump is an incestuous goblin man. This way, you come off as a well rounded, mature person who can admit their faults and everyone is more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt when you do make a mistake, rather than seeing this dumpster fire of an exchange.

    Hopefully you’ll read this and not come back at me with some ‘the best defense is a good offense’ type comment.

    Just to get in before you do, I agree trump is a sketchy, probably incestuous, probably pedofillic, smeglump.

    Have a nice day.

  • I guess it adds up to 12 searches worth of environmental impact with chatgpt+Google (10 searches worth from chatgpt, 2 from Google)

    When I use Google alone it’s often the same as that if not more. Sometimes it’s less if I already know the subject matter, but in those scenarios I would usually give just Google a go first anyway.

    Basically chatgpt often either gives me the answer or a much better starting place for what to Google.

  • The environmental impact is interesting, if an AI search being as environmentally impactful as 10 Google searches is true.

    I don’t know about you, but it often takes a number of Google searches for me to find the right information, whereas with AI and Google combined I usually get the info I need in 1/2 Google searches.

    That means that, based on my personal experience, AI is probably more environmentally efficient at getting me the correct info than google search alone.

    Edit: gotta love downvoters that give no discussion. I’m happy to re-evaluate the above but if nobody is rebuking it then all I can assume is that downvoters are ‘AI BAD’ folks who don’t have any intelligent input.