I cannot agree more with this comment, the bias is so evident that is in the brink of being plain propaganda
The entity formerly known as Quantum Device trying to swim the fediverse…
I cannot agree more with this comment, the bias is so evident that is in the brink of being plain propaganda
The wrong migration to IMHO…
Jump scares are a bit like added public laughs on sitcoms, if you need them to make it work then probably is mediocre…
Ma cuanto mi manca Italia…
I have terrible difficulties to enjoy those anime that require irreal coloured hair stiles and eccentric complements to distinguish the characters…
Recently I felt a bit of freshness with an anime, which faces I do not find “beautiful” or well drawn at all, but they were all quite distinguishable without the need of weird coloured hair… Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, despite the cartoonish style for once in a while I was glad to not see an endless amount of plain “beautiful” stereotyped faces…
I don’t care, I just want a nice place to wander, nothing is forever, but the longer, the better, regardless of popularity
Since I started to watch Uzumaki (anime adaptation) I see spirals everywhere with an unsettling vibe every time…
Since I started to watch Uzumaki (anime adaptation) I see spirals everywhere with an unsettling vibe every time…
Since I started to watch Uzumaki (anime adaptation) I see spirals everywhere with an unsettling vibe every time…
“To shoehorn something” is a literal common expression in Spanish, lately often used to indicate a deliberated misdirection of a debate into a different argument at the minimum occasion (usually via any fallacy)… and there are even shoehorns literally with long sticks for the elders…
Look what you make me do to you
Are these ridiculous attempts to humanise someone that lives in his own planet still working? They look quasi medieval to me…
The main CO2 sink are oceans though… the corpus seems to mention this but only conjetures that oceans may giving signs without too much developing
I can hear the dinosaur in it…
Current reddit is not like “reddit” anymore for a while… nothing is forever
…and looping on the same phrase 3 times and still not being able to realise of what you just read
I heard players astonish at its incredible realism and detail to the lore
What would you expect from a word predictor, a knife is mostly useless for nailing, you are using them for the wrong purpose…
My 2 cents of logic is that the first part would only apply to its individual scores and stats, not the team ones: the second part of the match will determine the winning team, nothing was decided in the first part, so no win/lose condition can apply to its previous half-match, and when the victory was defined he got a defined team…
…at the moment