I’m testing removing Google from my life for some time now.
I’m testing removing Google from my life for some time now.
Proud to be part of that 47%
For me, the best way to quit bad habits is to find alternative hobbies. Try something new. Join a local group.
I’m annoyed you still can’t do annotations with Teams.
Cloned him by using his Mojo.
That or the magic of scene blocking and editing.
Maybe the reason we haven’t found extraterrestrial life is because they, too, as a civilization have failed to stop itself from self-destruction.
Perhaps this is the bitter and paradoxical nature of life. The struggle to exist but is doomed to go extinct.
I also started using the new nomenclature after 2009. It also coincided to when I finished school so it kinda fit the change in lifestyle.
Is the free tier truly free? The saying, “if a product is free, you are the product” comes to mind.
I would very much prefer the theater experience but Hollywood hasn’t had a movie worth going.