This thread is incredible. Is there a bestoflemmy?
Give the ring to Boromir, he will know what’s best
But muh stocks and bonds
Agreed. Maybe we can measure the temperature globally and compare it to past readings. Nevermind, that would be crazy.
Its rough out here. Every boss I’ve had in the past 10 years has minimized my labor, when I work my as off while he complains he’s broke as he buys a Tesla and $2000 wheels and tires.
Train it with bullshit
This is what AI is for
I’ll have you know Dukat is a saint. He did so much for the Bajorans, just ask him
God could you imagine.
Work hard for your boss every day and you, too, can be rich! Bootstraps, people.
Make parts available. Right to repair isn’t wholly about designing products a certain way, but not allowing apple to monopolize certain parts.
Our transactions cost 3 dollars per 100 spent
Yes that’s what I meant
Ideas are what I’m looking for. Clock camera is a good idea
When I did time in 2005 I worked at a cemetery weed-eating for 24 dollars a month. My cellmate worked at the courthouse as a custodian, and some worked at a factory. I can’t call it slavery because we were paid, and not whipped, but it is definitely exploitation
Welp, hand me my pickaxe and lantern. Back to the mines
27 was Trump: The President
Or god is an asshole. He knows the correct way to reach heaven and only told one person.
A cop giving a ticket for a simple expired license is a dickhead. Don’t say that in court.