mkdir tmp
podman run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY -v tmp:/home/$USER ubuntu:latest schmudo
mkdir tmp
podman run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY -v tmp:/home/$USER ubuntu:latest schmudo
Doesn’t North Koreans fighting in Ukraine mean that North Korea now is at war with Ukraine? Wouldn’t that legitimize a Ukrainian invasion of North Korea? Could we ship some Ukrainians to North Korea and have them do a lot of damage there; including offer asylums to anyone who wants to get out?
I made this the other day.
Would it work for you to drive to a larger parking garage (or even better, use public transport to a larger subway or bus station) and then use some form of battery operated micro-transport type vehicle fit for your type of limitation to move around the sidewalks/bike lanes in what can then be a more compact city center?
Ukraine don’t want to give up territory. Russia demands territory to end the war. Trump has offered to resolve this in 24h. The conclusion seems clear: Trump has to offer Russia some parts of the US in exchange for releasing the occupied regions in Ukraine?