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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2024

  • When it comes to settler-colonialism — it literally is black and white. Both in the “epidermalization” of colonial dehumanization unfolding in history as white supremacy vs black and brown inferiority; but also in the fabric of colonialism and colonial relations in general. The colonizer makes the colonized into the embodiment of all evil, so the colonizer can be the embodiment of all good in oppressing them. “Civilization vs barbarity” as espoused by all European colonialists and likewise espoused by the earliest (explicitly settler-colonial) Zionists like Theodor Herzl, who wrote in such terms to arch-racist and settler-colonial genocidaire Cecil Rhodes asking for support; as well as stated explicitly now by Netanyahu in public international forums and to US congress.

    Those “civilized” colonialists engage in worse barbarism than any of their victims could have imagined; and need necessarily for their victims to be made into an effigy of irredeemable unsolvable-but-through-violence evil to escape the dissonance and contradiction. And this contradiction between the inherent inner-demand of the colonized to embrace, embody, and express their humanity against the inherent and inherently violent colonial dehumanization perpetrated and perpetuated against them by the colonizer sharpens itself, by the resistance of the colonized producing fear and anger in the colonizer, and indignation that the “civilized good” would be challenged and assailed by the “barbarous bad,” and as such this is taken as PROOF of the inhumanity and savagery of the colonial subject; and so reprisals are carried out to reestablish the existing exploitation and dehumanization and further deepen and entrench it. And in doing so, the colonialist becomes more the embodiment and executor of the ‘barbarism and inhumanity’ that they project onto the colonized, which then spurs more resistance in the colonized against their own dehumanization.

    In this way colonialism and the colonial relationship dehumanizes both the colonized and the colonizer, in very black and white ways. The colonized only regain their humanity by realizing and embracing the truth of their own humanity in defiance to the colonizer’s violence-backed assertions (in word and deed) of the inhumanity of the colonized. And in doing so, the colonized realizes that it is infact the colonizer who lacks humanity, by engaging in violently stripping and denying the humanity of the colonized for their own gain; and it is the colonizer who is the embodiment of the evil that is projected onto the victim; and hating them is righteous because to embrace and assert the colonized subject’s own humanity is to accept and express-in-full the total intolerability and grotesque violent reality of the colonial relationship. And the full expression of this acceptance means the full-frontal challenge and assault upon the very core structures of colonialism and the colonizers in the only language it and they understand — which is violence. The colonized is only able to embody and express their full humanity when they cease to be colonized; which means the ceasing, through any means necessary, of the colonizer and the colonial relationship. Which is and has always been maintained through extreme violence; and as such can only be overcome by more extreme and greater violence which is sufficiently organized and strategically, tactically, and politically educated and disciplined to overcome the immense power imbalance arrayed against them. This is a material reality, and a historically borne-out reality.

    The colonizer likewise can only regain their humanity through being destroyed as colonizer. Whether that is through:

    • destruction of the individual (in which they bleed and die like any other human being, they regain their connection to humanity, and to their own humanity; death being the great equalizer)
    • or through surrender to the terms of the colonized and abolishment of the colonial relationship which means abolishment of the pre-existing power dynamic and total unequivocal submission to the new rule of the previously-subjugated, in which by accepting surrendering of any and all special privileges over another human being, they become equal to other humans, reconnected to humanity and to their own humanity
    • or otherwise fleeing or being expelled in sufficient numbers that the colonial regime collapses, in which the previous-colonizers, in their new places of refuge, will not and can not maintain the same differential of violence and power that they had left behind over the local population, their new neighbors. The local population, established and entrenched with sovereign governance, would not tolerate those welcomed in to wage a violent colonial dehumanization campaign for exploitation, and the previous-colonizer, understanding this, accepts their new station as equal to other human beings, and so the previous-colonizer, is a *previous-*colonizer ie not any longer a colonizer, and as such regains their connection to humanity and to their own humanity.

    As the colonizer, benefiting immensely in material terms from being the colonizer in the colonial relationship, is loathe to give it up, this can only ever be done through organized violence against them, combined with sufficient threat of its expansion and continuation out-competing and out-stripping the total capability for the colonial military, police, and settler-militias to continue on in the way they had previously, and out-stripping the ability for the colonizer’s foreign sponsors to maintain or justify domestically maintaining the colonial project which itself necessarily requires wildly disproportionate and extreme violence, oppression and repressions, in order to enforce the implicit understanding of “the proper place” of the colonized, and make the colonizer and the colonial relationship seem to the colonized as unassailable and eternal as if it were a fundamental law of nature.

    This is also why historically, in independence and decolonization struggles and uprisings, for every 10 colonizers killed, 400 colonized are killed and entire villages burned or bulldozed in reprisal, and their bodies made symbols of “what might happen to you if you raise your head like they did.” It is a deliberate reassertion of the colonial relationship of the superior vs the inferior, the human vs the inhuman, the powerful vs the weak. But the reality of this relationship is ineffable, can not be spoken of in these clear (real) terms, because the implication of its naked reality inherently proves the inhumanity of the colonizer and undermines their basis of being the ‘eternal good against the eternal bad;’ but and even more urgently, this real reality of the colonial relationship being known is damning for the colonizer, as it proves the necessity on the part of the colonized to engage in violent armed struggle with extreme severity against the colonizer to win the humanity that is denied them, and which will otherwise never be won. In all of this, it is very black and white.

    I highly recommend reading Frantz Fanon for more understanding of colonialism and settler-colonialism in these ways; and the dialectical nature of the relationships and psychologies between the colonizer and colonized. Right now resources are up on the Internet Archive. The Wretched of the Earth (which should be required reading for anyone in the west to be honest); and Black Skin, White Masks are essential to speak with knowledge on these relationships if you’re not subject to them, and so live the experiences; though the texts can give language and concrete materialist analysis to those lived experiences and so are valuable regardless. Fanon was writing about the Algerian independence struggle but the concepts are as universal as European colonialism is. It has inspired many anti-colonial revolutionary struggles since his time, including as a core inspiration for the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army. It is necessary to engage with these works to understand colonialism.

    If you then feel inclined to broaden understanding of the material interests of organized society and build out understanding of the underlying economic systems and frameworks behind the evolution of these colonial and imperial states coming into being into a ‘wider picture,’ Marx and Lenin can help; but I don’t think they are at all necessary precursors, as Fanon does an immense deal of his own unique legwork to illustrate everything cohesively without need for external resource; and does an excellent job of encapsulating and expressing his own analyses in a concrete historical and dialectical materialist methodological framework himself without additional work of the reader, and simply “stretching” Marxist conceptions where it didn’t reach far enough or grip the road enough in order to encompass colonialism and independence struggles in its actual internal relationships-between-peoples — as Marx mostly spoke of colonialism in broad terms of how it served the primitive accumulation of capital on which the industrial revolution was built and so followed the division of society into bourgeoisie and proletariat classes; and that the self-liberation of proletariat could only happen through first the liberation of slaves, as a necessity of historical evolution of societal social relations. Lenin wrote about nations’ right to self-determination and the capitalist evolution into capitalist-imperialism; though with a more external and structural perspective in broad political conceptions relevant to the revolutions in Europe and Eurasia during his time. Exceedingly incisive and still-valuable information, but is less focused and relevant to the topic of the relationships themselves. But if you struggle with Fanon, some basic Marx and Lenin might help lay a foundation.

  • I’ve come to realize that a significant portion of people just think other people should die and that’s fair and they’re OK with being the ones to do it.

    It has always been this way. Particularly because there are people and groups who actively materially benefit from the enforced poverty/slavery and oppression of other people and groups within the social organization of our societies. The enforced poverty/slavery will never stop without sufficient and sufficiently organized, centralized, disciplined violence to overcome those who actively benefit from the enforced poverty/slavery by means of the same; and then maintaining that authority over the exploiters until their interest and strength are no more.

    It’s the same reason why there’s never been a “peaceful bloodless decolonization.” Why would the colonizer ever willingly permit that? They would be, from a standpoint of their own material interest as a societal class, complete morons to do so and make such a willing choice. Which is why (and this is historically borne out) they must be not given a choice by an organized militant anti-colonial resistance. This is also why the “authoritarianism” criticism of the doctrine and practice of revolutionary groups like Castro’s revolutionaries or Lenin’s Bolsheviks is laughable; the liberal peanut gallery can only have that criticism because they succeeded and survived to be criticized; having overcome the oppressors who, in the event of the revolutionaries’ failure (historically borne out in how every failed revolution played out including the previous ones in those countries); would show the truth of themselves as 1000x more vicious, having honed that capability for 100x longer.

    Look up any countries’ “Red Terror” in history, then look up their corresponding “White Terror.” You will see [wiki:NSFW images if you click on them]. Or read about any decolonization struggle. Like in Algeria, where every uprising that killed 10 Frenchmen resulted in a colonial reprisal with hundreds of butchered Algerians.

    We live in a material reality with material interests which are enforced by people who will use your pacifism as a means to exploit you easier, and kill you easier if you even are seen as inconvenient or ‘in the way’ of those interests, let alone if you resist and struggle against them. And that argument has been happening since Marx and Engels’ time in the framework of materialism; and was exactly the realm of rationale behind the policy of terror with the Jacobins before that in the French Revolution; from which many later revolutionaries took lessons and learned from the mistakes and refined within their contemporary material conditions and circumstances.

  • anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlGetting very close to the GIMP 3.0 RC1!
    5 months ago

    God idk what version I’m even using. I never update programs like this unless I have to. From breaking things, to confusing my workflow and moving things around; I’ve always been more frustrated than thankful. I haven’t updated Reaper in ages too and I’m certain they’re better about keeping continuity than anyone.

    Edit: lol people are mad about my own software updating habits? why and how are .worlders this way? I can’t imagine the realities they live in, and am glad so

  • That article is literally just reporting what the president did. How does that mean they’re “pro-gun control?” Do you not even read the articles and just seethe and shit yourself about what you think about the wording of headlines? You are such a raging rightist ideologue you have been blinded to all reality and don’t even understand the things that you are mad at. Is this satire? Are you a real person who engages in media and politics like this or have I been trolled?

    If you’re serious, the US must have gasoline in the water or something (but ah that would be COMMUNIST to regulate that; or even report on it!)

  • You know, the guy who wants Israel to kill people faster:

    Biden sidestepped around congress twice to shovel guns and bombs to them faster than even the bloodthirsty Zionists in Congress could — who were already themselves bipartisanly moving to do the same. He 100% wanted Gazans wiped off the face of the earth before the elections hit. The only difference between them here is that Trump is being honest (dig that, your “lesser evil” is somehow being more duplicitous and dishonest than Donald Trump). You fixate on rhetoric and ignore tangible actions. Palestinians have said that both parties are the same for them. We can see it in policy. They’re the same for us in most cases, only difference being Trump doesn’t rely on working class margins to be given a mandate like the Democrats do.

    Detain them in concentration camps:

    So does Biden… In fact, so did Obama. In fact Obama was known amongst immigrant rights groups as the “Deporter-in-Chief” because of how draconian he was in both detainment and deportation policy. And Biden not only didn’t shut down the concentration camps, but deregulated them and allowed for and advertised with state money the private subcontracting of these concentration camps for private profit. Which is somehow worse than Trump was.

    I wouldn’t use this talking point because this whole presidency and openly now in-campaign has seen Dems try actively to outflank the Republicans on the right of immigration. He issued an executive order to fully close the border, a thing that was egregious enough that the courts blocked it for Trump. But now that it’s Biden it’s okay by you? Where do your political standards lie? Unless you’re just ill-informed, it feels like you’re just concern-trolling. And like the refugees to Europe, they’re fleeing from the bipartisan destruction, terror, debt-crises, and chaos caused by US empire.

    Who wants to revoke the citizenship from Americans:

    That’s something he tried in 2018, and while bad, is not ‘unilaterally revoking citizenship of Americans’ like your non-description insinuates, but was the DHS forwarding more denaturalization cases than used to be to the DoJ, where the actual process takes place, as ICE intended to review a lot more cases. These institutions are bipartisanly this way, and we’re seeing how Biden is increasing this regardless. Besides, the scale of this 2018 thing was very small compared to things right now that you’re distracting from; like the current genocide, homicidal and violent and for-profit border policies stricter than even Trump, homicidal nuclear brinksmanship and proxy wars by the democrats which are much more impactful and serious. And besides, Obama also drone striked US citizens. And more US citizens are in bi-partisan-supported prison than any citizenry in any country in history, imprisoned with a profit incentive, where they are in cases legally (read the 13th amendment) worked as slaves in the mass-incarceration prison-industrial complex, whose architect and primary instigator was none other than Joe Biden and the Democrat Clinton administration of which this campaign, now replacement-headed by Top Cop Kamala Handcuffs is a continuing rightward legacy of.

    Biden also, incidentally, helped create and push the Patriot act and has never stopped expanding funding and power to the DHS, ICE, NSA, CIA, FBI, Pentagon, etc. Kamala has no intention either, as Black organizers have been raided and burned out by the FBI on false ‘espionage act’ charges under Democrat governance. As anti-genocide protestors for Palestine are being violently repressed and arrested en masse and demonized or infantilized by Kamala, Dems and republicans, and corporate media. As poor people are being brutalized and arrested over $1.75 public transit costs in Democrat New York after the deployment of hundreds of cops to sit and watch turnstyles. As domestic workers are increasingly broken and lumpenized under the guns of of the ever-expanding fascistic police state set up and supported bipartisanly by the institutions and increasingly militarized under both parties. I mean Walz sent an army into Minneapolis to crush uprisings and to protect (mostly white-owned) property and institutions after the police murder of George Floyd, with the old “outside agitators” shtick.

    And do the same thing to Mexico that Israel does to Lebanon:

    This is incoherent; an empty comparison with surface level understanding (at most) about these nations and their situations. It’s also empty pandering by Trump and the most unhinged handful of Republicans who ride this kind of rhetoric (MTG, Graham, etc.). Trump’s not going to start a war with Mexico, and neither will the military establishment. Just like noone’s going to nuke Iran because the southern-belle-Holden-Bloodfeast that is Lindsay Graham slams his fist and hollers about it to rile up his base, This is a silly thing to get your underwear in knots over, especially when there’s real things you’re avoiding instead.

    As far as actions: we’re closer to WW3 than ever, with Biden’s nuclear brinksmanship fueled by arms-dealers; we’re witnessing the most televized genocide in history, a continuation of bipartisan genocidal foreign policy

    Biden in his first months of office to keep the region in chaos and suffering after everything they’ve done to keep it so for decades, straight up stole half of Afghanistan’s assets and crushed them with sanctions knowingly killing untellable tens of thousands of Afghan children and counting.

    You fixate on rhetoric and ignore action, and by appeasement you serve to legitimize the “two party” charade for all the billionaire imperialist exploiters, racketeers, murderers, and liars who both parties are funded by, speak for, and work for.

    V. I. LeninPolitical Parties in Russia

    To see what is what in the fight between the parties, one must not take words at their face value but must study the actual history of the parties, must study not so much what they say about themselves as their deeds, the way in which they go about solving various political problems, and their behaviour in matters affecting the vital interests of the various classes of society—landlords, capitalists, peasants, workers, etc.

    The greater the degree of political liberty in a country and the more stable and democratic its representative institutions, the easier it is for the mass of the people to find its bearings in the fight between the parties and to learn politics, i.e., to expose the deception and find out the truth.

  • ADVISORY: Outdoor furniture almost certainly uses treated wood. That is, toxic chemicals that act as fungicide, pesticide, and moisture-resister, which would be VERY BAD inhale the smoke of burning it… And if it’s pre-i-think-80s treated wood it’s even worse than what they use now. You should also not use treated wood in bonfires and such.

    Pipes are cheap, and even an apple (not ideal) is still better than this.

  • that is not how HIV/AIDS is spread.

    You could potentially get herpes from it, but idk how long the virus lives on porous material like wood exposed to the elements. Covid for instance lasts 4 days on wood, but only 1 on cardboard. It lives much longer on, say, plastic, than on clothing.

    I’d be much more worried about toxic chemicals because outdoor furniture almost certainly uses treated wood. And if it’s pre-i-think-80s treated wood it’s even worse.

  • anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Struggle Is Real
    5 months ago

    I suggest Rosa Luxemburg’s Reform or Revolution to break people out first, less scary than Lenin, and a I think a “woman’s touch” does a thing for peoples minds under patriarchal norms, with the assumption that they’re somehow less capable of all of the things they’re afraid of. It was critical in my political education when I was starting off grabbing from everywhere to see what gripped the road I saw us flying down (Conquest of Bread sucked, never read more ‘kum-ba-ya’ utopian idealist tripe in my life, and I could tell that having barely even read much Marx at that point); and Reform or Revolution is more focused on dismantling the single topic. From there, once the reader are forced to mull on that reform will never save us, haunted by their discomfort and spurred by the sprouting seeds of their discontent the only logical next step is to try to find out “okay, well then what is to be done?”

    But you have to give a background lesson first if the book/site of it you send them doesn’t explain in the preface, the whole thing that in the context of her book “Social-democrat” meant socialists in general; both revolutionary and the Bernstien-type ‘voting in socialism through reform’ revisonists; because this was in like 1900, before the failure of the second international and resultant split of the communists. It’s only after all of that and the 3rd international and the betrayal of Rosa and the communist KPD by the reformists that that the “social democrats” came to be understood as we know them today, reformist welfare liberals (which, incidentally, thoroughly and undeniably vindicates Luxemburg, Lenin and the Bolsheviks, et al and their criticisms of reformism).

  • that is not what “disenfranchised” means at all. These people are business owners with large portfolios?? They are objectively some of the most enfranchised people in the country. They’re literally sitting on their thumbs in their bathtubs of money deciding which genocidaire would be better for their wallets? How is this a disenfranchised population? This is objectively the opposite. Fuck them.

    Anyone catering to these very enfranchised sociopaths for votes, rather than to (and while actively repressing and brow-beating) those who are demanding an end to the bipartisan US-financed and US-armed genocide in Palestine, and rather than to the huge portion of actual left-wing voters and poor working class voters who are moving to 3rd parties or among the 35-50% who have stopped voting because of how actually disenfranchised and abandoned by this imperialist-corporate-conglomerate pretending to be two different parties they are — anyone catering to the former group instead of the latter two groups is my enemy