The old games were beaten by a Twitch chat sending little more than random inputs to the game. Maybe the newer ones are worse, but let’s be real.
There’s a disclaimer that says not every Switch 1 game will work, but I think it will play on the new Switch with the same lousy performance it has now unless you buy the Switch 2 version.
Are you prepared to have to buy the game again to do that? I don’t know it for sure, but it’s how I expect Nintendo to operate.
Sure would, but I’m going to set my hopes very low for that one. The best way to make this happen would be to only buy and play their competitors that are more future proofed.
Nope, but there are surely deals that are locked up in this thing’s launch, and I’ve got an unannounced 3D Mario game on my Fantasy Critic roster.
Plans can change in the course of a year. At the time, that probably was their plan, and that it didn’t happen doesn’t make it a guess. We’re hearing this same reveal on the 16th from multiple corroborating sources at this point.
No worries. There are lots of kinds of games we used to get a lot of back in the day, but their successors or spiritual successors don’t get the kind of attention or marketing that the industry giants do. Often times, if you miss a certain kind of game, just start searching for “modern games like X”, and you’ll probably find it.
In the past it’s been ported by a different company, and now it’s seemingly got a Linux port done in-house, so there’s reason to expect crossplay. But even if it didn’t have that, running the game through Proton ought to solve for that too.
This game runs on the first Switch, so I think it’ll do just fine on Deck at some reasonable settings.
Game Pass subscribers and people who play games with kernel level anti-cheat do.
Two of my favorites are Vagante and Streets of Rogue. Vagante is a great challenge with all sorts of build variety and interesting choices to make along the way. Streets of Rogue is comedy and chaos. Both are a great time either single player or in co-op, either local or online.
Krafton only got Hi-Fi Rush in the sale.
The new C&C is Tempest Rising. The new Neverwinter Nights has a variety of answers, from Baldur’s Gate 3 to Solasta to Pillars of Eternity, depending on what you’re looking for. Commandos has spawned an entire genre at this point; not only is there a new Commandos coming soon that looks good, we just had a series of three and a half games from the sadly-now-defunct Mimimi that all fit the bill, as well as that game Sumerian Six just last year.
Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll check it out. I’ve got Phantom Fury from this past year, and even with a ton of criticism heaped toward it, it was still in the ballpark of what I wanted to scratch this itch.
Games of that era were frequently made a dozen or so people in 18 months. Whether that passes some arbitrary line in the sand for what counts as “indie” or not, I don’t much care; it’s just a market segment that’s been left behind by AAA that I’m waiting for someone to pick up the mantle on. Most genres that AAA have left behind have been filled by now, but FPS games that fit the mold of what we got between ~1998 and ~2016 are still an itch I need scratched. From what I can see on the horizon, there’s Fallen Aces in early access that I’d like to see once it’s 1.0, Core Decay going for a Deus Ex sort of thing, and then Mouse: P.I. for Hire, but I’d still like to see the full package with co-op and deathmatch modes like we got back in the day.
This time it did.
I can only speak for the games I’m most familiar with, and apparently that same problem exists with how these nominees are chosen too, just like the Keighleys. For a second, I thought perhaps the people suggesting the nominees had not heard of Indika, because Indiana Jones and the Great Circle was nominated for narrative and Indika was not. The fighting game category doesn’t hold up very well either, because while the Khaos Reigns expansion is a bit of a stretch, Underdogs is even more of a stretch. Sure, maybe the people submitting nominees haven’t heard of Diesel Legacy (which would be my pick for fighting game of the year), but could you at least be aware of Rivals of Aether II? They didn’t even get Under Night on the list!
Man, I wish we still got FPS games off an assembly line, and I’m waiting for indies to get out of the Quake era.
I like matchmaking. I never once found a “community” on a server browser and instead was just frustrated by teams changing rosters mid-match and such. Years later, I’d find that kind of community building in Discord servers and not the likes of de_dust 24/7. But regardless of personal preferences, it’s just about mathematically impossible that matchmaking will sustain a player base forever, so the player-hosted servers need to be there.
It had worth to me, as someone who was stuck in a place where it was unacceptable to watch a video but was acceptable instead to read a summary quietly.