Idk why everyone is being such a wet blanket in here, these things are great
Hope you enjoy the fallout that a large unvaccinated population causes even in those who are vaccinated
I’m no lemonologist but it looks like it could maybe be a very severe case of Citrus Bud Mites:
There’s a hell of a lot of space between “perfect” and “continuing to regularly drink while pregnant”
Real Vanity Fair image, in case you were curious like me. From this article, about a quarter of the way down (on mobile at least):
Did you instruct it to give that 1000-yard stare or does it just naturally associate that with what it’s wrought here
I like roboinvester accounts. You put money in, it automatically invests in stocks for you based on your current age and risk tolerance (which you can change whenever you like). I particularly like Wealthfront, and their app/website are really good. They’ll manage $10-15k for free, and then above that you pay a small fee out of your earnings for their service. If you use someone’s sign-up link, they’ll bump your managed amount by $5k. Comment back if you’re interested and I can share mine. Good luck with your investment, whatever you choose!
Congrats, this shitpost was the content that finally convinced me to subscribe to this community
Fuck you, thank you
I was already convinced, you don’t have to keep selling me
Ok can I just say this type of opener by the girl on an app SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR WOMEN TO DO THE OPENING is complete horseshit, and yet it happens all the gd time.
So, naturally, this was the perfect response.
I’d never seen sensibility used in that way - had to look it up. You’re showing me all kinds of new things today!!
These are all incredible. This is my type of art.
Yes everyone, you’re very clever. This is not a real story. But it’s very in-theme for the community and is pretty entertaining so
Why is a bridesmaid wearing white…?
I think I speak for all Georgians when I say please include us too (I definitely do not)