Going out is the thrill that anything can happen. You never know who you’re going to meet and what may happen.
Staying home is knowing pretty much what’s going to happen. You’re gunna have a good, predictable time.
Potentially amazing night vs The good night you know
Anybody on this platform already knows all the problems and how it can be better. Anyone preaching here hoping an American will read it and change are just wasting keystrokes.
We know it’s bad. Unfortunately there’s not much anyone of us here can do besides bitch and moan, or else we wouldn’t be on Reddit Ultra.
That being said, German McDonald’s have chicken wings and they’re pretty amazing.
You are
I get where you’re coming from. It is nice to your fellow employees to be on time to relieve them. That’s just being a solid team player.
But again, every team or job I’ve had understands if I’m a little late cause they know I’m putting in the work when I get there. Shit, after I got into a motorcycle accident and was bleeding down my side I still had the driver take me to work to talk to my boss. Stayed until the concussion made me leave haha. My boss at the time would tell that story to people who were a bit sluggish. Saying how even on the worst days there’s no reason to not give it your all since YourPartnerInCrime came in half dead.
In hindsight it was a bit dumb. But, don’t complain about me being 5 to 10 minutes late. I’ll be there and I’ll give it all.
If I need to be 100% on time, then I’m 100% leaving on time.
Every job I’ve had I’m one of if not the first to stay late. Need me to work a double even if it’s not my job next? Not a problem boss. But be cool with me being 5-10 minutes late. I’ll try to be there on time, but shit happens.
But if your gunna come at me for being a little late, I’ll be damned if I’m gunna stay late to help you. Pick your battles
What do you think liberals mean when they say gun control?
AND make sure everyone who’s sick get all the help they need!
I used to live on a farm without trash pickup, so she got a good bit of work done. Not longer on the farm since my parents passed, but didnt have the courage to trade her in since it was my moms favorite vehicle.
Still get the occasional full load since I’m a big dude with a truck. Makes me feel good helping out people with small cars.
You rang?
My phone also made this, which i thought was cool
Yes cause calling anyone you slightly disagree a rapist is mature
Edit: my b o got the rape and sexist facist comments mixed up
I literally was just commenting on you username. Didn’t even know it was a sex thing. I was gunna call you put for making a second profile at first haha
Lol k
I was just trying to comment on your name change
Do you just want to fight with everyone? Chill
Edit: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThereAreNoGirlsOnTheInternet
"As the Internet grew, women became more common. Interestingly enough, men pretending to be women also became more common as well; it soon became apparent that announcing you were female online (and thus a geek girl) was a way to get lots of attention and accommodation from other users, even to the point of some of them being tricked into mailing gifts, cash, or passwords. In some circles the backlash was huge and violent, leading to anyone claiming to be female to instantly be accosted with demands of “proof” "
We fought over some dumb shit like twice and you’re throwing out the worst comments you can think of. You shouldn’t feel good about yourself
I assumed you were a man because everyone on the internet is a man.
I still think you are for previous rule, just trying to go on as a woman for whatever reason.
If not man then bot, which at this point is the better guess anyway.
Plus I was just trying to make a joke, yeesh
Well it it’s anything, I argued with you earlier thinking you were a dude
Will still probably continue to argue with you regardless
Hey I did my job with great praise
I’m just saying it’s the same premise. Yeah mine is more extreme, but that was the point. I could have picked a more fun and less serious job I’ve had, but I picked that one to show how dramatic it can be.
I think that was the point though.
It’s all a meat grinder and all the horse races are pretty much the same.