I ä̃m a humåñ ënglḷʃh pərsö̃ⁿ
I ä̃m a humåñ ënglḷʃh pərsö̃ⁿ
That sounds like when that bonehead broke the world record of most helium balloons or some shit in Cleveland. As most not braindead people knew, this was a terrible idea. When the news reporter went to the shore the next day, she was very relieved that the problem solved itself. Except, it obviously didn’t it just washed the whole garbage over to canada. But not my problem = problem solved. But keep banning these books, the future looks bright.
Isn’t that the ps5? Or did the ps3 also didn’t have any games?
They let them negros drive now in my amurikkka?
I’m the other way around. I pretty much only wear shorts and i never even thought about what my legs might look like. I think it’s important to find shorts that fit.
Now that i think about it, i was pretty self conscious 10 or so years ago and only wore knee length shorts, or even longer. At some point i stopped caring and realised that 3/4 pants look way worse. Now i wear hot pants, i don’t give a shit.
I wear shorts 95% of the time. And every time when it’s super hot and i see someone in a skirt i think: wow this looks so comfortable
Ya, bass is always the downside of these things, but i’m not super into that. Also i don’t really like to listen to music very loud. I really don’t like when i feel the cable brushing my arms or something. And i rip them out every time i stand up. It’s so bad. A huge plus for me is also that i can leave my phone somewhere and i can still listen to music.
Not cheap and i already said it in another comment. I absolutely love my aftershokz open fit. My ear hurt like hell when i use in ears and they never seem to fit. These i wear sometimes 10 hours a day. I went to the shower multiple times because i forgot i was wearing them. They sound really good imo, battery life especially with the charging case is fantastic. It’s perfect to cycle or in areas where you still need basic awareness. Like i can talk to people at work while i have some music in my ears.
I always wanted to be the cool hipster with cabled headphones and getting mad about phones without audio jack.
Truth is, my cables always got tangled up, especially at work. It was getting really annoying. I bought some open ear headphones from aftershokz because i often listen to music wherever and i don’t want to be isolated. These things absolutely fuck. Battery life is fantastic. Even if they are empty, i can throw them into the pocket charger for 15 minutes and they go for hours again. The sound is good. It’s not full blown headphone quality, obviously. But they are so comfortable and you don’t have to stick anything into your ears. I saw that bose has a similar product and i kinda wanna try them.
I mean she bought a teacup pig and when she realised it’s a scam and the tiny pig turned into i gigantic pig, she kept it as a pet. I kinda always found that sweet. But i also don’t know anything else about her
People would buy an actual turd on temu if it’s cheap enough. Just read these comments here… But it’s cheap. Congrats, you bought cheap garbage and it got send around the globe by a company that sells your data
Finally a friend
That’s not really news, but i’m always shocked how cheap they are.
It’s not hard to believe that he’s too lazy to jerk off.
Did they actually cave in because of some crybabies? Sad!
I hate the car industry so much. Oh no you can’t put on a muffler on your car, it’s too loud.
Except obviously when you can afford a Lamborghini, because rich people can be as loud as they want.
Uh no that that rear spoiler looks dangerous, that’s not allowed.
But you can sell cars that just hop into 1st gear, that’s a honest mistake
I wouldn’t wanna call that food. I don’t feel bad for people who eat there.
What a fantastic car design
I hate how much they are spreading for no reason. We have rather small parking lots, especially in denser areas and underground parkings. Some 20 years ago that was never a problem at all. Now people take forever to park their shitty cars. People have to get out before they park, so they just stand in the way. Many use 2 parking spots because their fat asses can’t get out of their fat cars, or they just can’t drive in general and decided they need the biggest car they can afford to get groceries.
But he also killed the biggest environmentally destructive person on the planet.