Why do we care what a fake politician says about a real one?
And before someone takes offense at me calling Stein a fake politician, what office has she held?
Well, obviously enough people care that it’s made the news. But I’m not voting for Jill Stein, so…
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AOC has the gall to call Jill Stein a predator meanwhile Kamala Harris as DA in San Francisco sided with actual sexual predators in the Catholic Church and ignored survivors of clergy abuse who were trying to get help from her office.
Whoa. You guys get replies when you email DAs of the biggest cities in the USA?
She is correct on AOC. AOC’s point about Greens needing to reach a wider audience is fair. That is also hard to do when you get no coverage and don’t have a donor class of billionaires behind you. I have no issue with Greens running for Presidency, since there is no real overlap with Dem and Green voters. If Green options weren’t there, you still wouldn’t be getting the vote for Dems. They just wouldn’t vote at all.
Oh so that’s why she dines with traitors. Does she want that audience, or is she colluding?
Seems she needed to collude before getting their support.She has been cleared of that by The Senate Intelligence Committee Investigated and exonerated Stein. It is an old talking point.
Cleared? There’s pictures and you can see where she gets her funding from…
Nice propaganda
Good points!
I do think there should be a bigger effort for local efforts for third parties. But I get it fundraising and funding doesn’t appear of thin air.
I live in a state that Trump is projected to win. I don’t see how me voting for Harris a person I can’t influence at all and Liberals won’t push left and is hostile towards protesters is not considered a waste. But If I were to vote for Jill Stein that is considered a waste. When it would lead to possibly being closer to 5% for funding for the party. Liberals see groups as expendable and there is never any plans post Trump. It is just back to brunch.
I absolutely agree with you! And you’re spot on about the hypocrisy—voting for Harris in a state that’s already leaning towards Trump is seen as “responsible,” but a vote for Stein is dismissed as “wasted.” Like, what?! Once the election is over, the democratic party seems to just head back to their comfortable lives without following through on any real plans for lasting change.
To save you all some time:
I posted an article that’s already widely available on a much bigger platform than Lemmy. I didn’t write it or create the content. It’s already out there for anyone to see, so all I did was share it here for discussion. If you disagree with the article itself, that’s fine, but calling for it to be censored or accusing me of pushing an agenda simply because it’s not what you want to read seems misguided. Open debate requires different perspectives, not shutting down content you don’t like.
I’m done wasting my time trying to convince you that I’m not a Republican, that I don’t live in Russia, or that despite posting hundreds of socialist articles to the socialist community, I’m somehow not a socialist. If that’s what you want to believe, fine, go ahead.
If you’re getting worked up over a news article I didn’t even write, that’s on you. Be mad if you want, but it’s not my job to prove anything to you. I’ll share my opinion, and you can take it or leave it. Either way, not my problem.
In the past, when I’ve tried to defend myself, people accuse me of not listening. If I stay quiet, they take it as guilt.
Here’s the deal: I’m still going to post what I want in this community because what I’m posting fits within the theme and guidelines of this community which celebrates diversity of thought and opinion.
So, go ahead and expect me to copy and paste this comment into the many, many arguments you’re going to try and start. Whether you believe me or not, it’s not my job to prove anything to you. I’ll share my opinion, and you can take it or leave it. Not my problem. :)
You know, you may as well just put this into the post body.