I would like to mention that I do not intend to open new bank accounts, so yeah…
Find out how much you’re spending on what. That will let you determine whether the amount you spend on which things is actually worth it to you in the cold light of day, and show you where you can make the most effective cuts. Diagnosis is the first step: treatment without diagnosis is not helpful.
Tons of expense tracking apps out there that will download straight from your bank & credit card. You Need A Budget/YNAB seems t be pretty popular.
This is the true answer, especially for such a broad question.
You dont need to be fancy about it either. When I started I downloaded a years worth of credit card transactions and put them in a spreadsheet. I took the time to go line by line and assign a category for it.
Then I made a chart and could visually see where my money was going. On top of that I then calculated each category as percentage of my annual salary.
It’s very eye opening. Even things that aren’t an issue at least I now know that so don’t need to feel worried/guilty about it.
Cook at home. Use mostly fresh ingredients. Staple foods are cheap… Rice, beans, etc
Beans and rice with oil and vinegar can hit the spot every day for lunch
Cold cut sandwich with fresh veggies. Bonus for homemade bread!
Eggs. Pasta. Eggs & pasta
For snacks, popcorn on your stove. Flavor with salt or spices. (I love Tajin!)
Keep a few spices in your kitchen. Have a decent olive oil and something high temp like grapeseed or vegetable oil
Avoid alcohol. If you must, don’t drink in bars. (I’m alcoholic… I know it’s hard to quit)
Learn how to properly operate your home’s thermostat in summer and winter. Set it for automatic and dial in your preferred temperature. Leave it constant. This is vastly more efficient than turning it on and off and on and off.
Don’t speed when driving a car. It takes more gas and can get you ticketed
Don’t pay for TV or streaming services. Just pirate. Pirate games too. Books from libgen
For internet access, it may be best value to get unlimited mobile data and make a Hotspot for your PC
Have a specific savings plan. Set X% aside immediately after receiving each paycheck. If possible, get a high-interest account where you’re required to make monthly deposits
If you have a hobby, hopefully it’s cheap. If you can monetize it without killing your passion, go for it. If you have an expensive hobby, try to make enough money from it to offset the costs (I study fiddle. I busk to pay for strings, bowhair, and occasional lessons)
Consider leaving the US for a place that’s cheaper or offers better terms. I left to teach English in Korea and China. Was able to save money and have a robust social life.
As an alternative to newspaper and magazine subscriptions, go to your local library’s (website).
My library card allows me to access a bunch of newspaper and magazines online, and cost me just a very low yearly fee.
Restaurant, bars and cafe can be a huge spending. You can also do a romantic dinner at home.
Check all your subscribed services you may find a cheaper competitor.
Before buying anything ask yourself about whether you really need it, and whether there is a used alternative available
If you do have money, set an auto transfert of 100-200€ to a saving account at the start of the month, you’ll main account would feel empty faster.
Stop going out to eat and or drink. Besides saving money you will probably lose some weight