That’s what enshittification is. Make something good, draw people in, they make your service a part of their lives, and then you fuck them in the ass.
The best situation is giving money to a company that’s not shitty. The second best situation is piracy. The third best situation is letting yourself get fucked over. It’s really up to the companies whether or not we have the best situation. It’s up to all of us to have the basic dignity to not get screwed over by the worst option, and to choose the second one when they try.
look up a guide on how to set up stremio with torrentio and realdebrid. takes all of 15-30 minutes to set up and $15 for 6 months of being able to stream practically anything all in one place. ad free
(I know not an answer but I figured an actual solution to the problem was preferable to a 20th person explaining enshittification lol)
eta the important part
Thats nice sweetie but probably been pirating before you were born…no offense. My only sub is Netflix. I just thought maybe like a 15 second commercial or something like youtube videos. But was watching KAOS and it was a freaking ads that lasted over 3 minutes.
Wow, this was unnecessarily condescending. ‘sweetie’ was just trying to help.
this is a fully integrated frontend that looks like a proper streaming app using a debrid service to provide the content, it’s a wooooorld of difference.
much much much more convenient and less AP than traditional pirating.
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I mean yeah if you enjoy the homelab project aspect of it that’s great, personally I was looking into setting up a similar stack when I stumbled across a reddit post of someone who had a similarly huge library that was collecting dust because they just used stremio all the time instead.
that post is actually how I first heard about stremio lol
Wow, what a wanker.
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20ish years ago…
ELI5 How come paid cable TV channels are now running commercials? Is that not bad for business because most if not all people got it to avoid commercials?
Oh my sweet summer child, let me tell you a tale of cable television…
Most people don’t get streaming content because commercials most people got it because that is where they content is and you can choose. When you want it.
Streaming services didn’t make money when money was cheap to loan. Now money is expensive to get. Company needs to make profit rather than constantly taking in funding . Commercials make money. It kept tv and radio afloat. Streaming is still better than tv
Because it worked with cable tv back in the day so it will work again if its allowed to. Stop giving companies your money as a general rule.
Do you know what else eventually happened with cable? People cutting it by the millions when there was finally another choice.
It’s interesting that my family went from wasting time siting in front of a big screen tv paying massively for cable channels we never used, to cutting the cable and only paying for 2-3 streaming services at a time
But it’s even more interesting we continued down this path so our down time is dominated by small screens and somewhat interactive media instead of passively watching. If I stop paying for streaming media, my teens wouldn’t notice. It would just be the people here who would notice, as I complain more about doom scrolling and reaching the end
Businesses are greedy. They’re going to squeeze the turnip from every angle they can think of to get every drop of blood out they can.
Consumers are rock chewing stupid. They will choose fancy branding and ease of setup every single time because most of them are allergic to learning how the things in their houses work. People will sign their rights away in EULAs they don’t even bother to read because it’s too boring, they’re not going to stop watching Longmire or Stranger Things just because they added commercials.
We live in a world where fascism is on the rise. The Republicans want to jail or kill women who have abortions or miscarriages. Here in the smart phone age, women often use apps to track, record and predict their periods. These apps upload this data to a server somewhere and store it in a database. Wouldn’t the Republicans love to get their hands on that database to see if they can find women they can jail or kill? The solution: Get on Tumblr and ask men to download these apps and start uploading junk data to them, because getting women to switch to FOSS software that doesn’t upload their data to devices they don’t control is considered too much to ask. They won’t learn how to manage their own software and data to literally save their lives. They’re absolutely not giving up Netflix.
The people that moved to streaming to get away from commercials switched a long time ago. Others watched the streaming sotes that had commercials because it was free or aignificsntly cheaper than cable.
Of course being greedy companies means they want both the subscriptions and the ad revenue.
The line always has to go up. If the company stops picking up new subscribers, then their profits stagnate. And that makes investors unhappy. So to avoid that, they start to jack up the price to keep the line going up. And if that isn’t enough, they then start throwing ads into the services.
The line must always go up.