That being a “nice guy” isn’t a selling point, it’s the bare fucking minimum.
Don’t try to explain the fediverse
I heard that Carbon14 was an efficient solution
Currently watching a cringe dating video and I need to yeet a few off my chest:
Guys: For the love of God, ASK HER QUESTIONS. Awkward silence? Ask her about her family. She is asking about you? Ask about her passions. Her last hobbies. Everyone loves talking about themselves. If you like a girl, make her talk and she will like you.
For anybody: See someone cute at school? At the gym? Strike up convo about literally anything - “Oh damn nice shoes, where did you buy them?” - Feed this and later ask for their Insta. Instagram is public enough people will give it out, but private enough you can follow up in DMs later
While dating: Do things to make him/her happy. Don’t expect anything back. Do their chores. Buy them a gift. Take them on a surprise date. Be happy when they’re happy.
“Ask me a fucking question” song is so real for women
Seriously get to know the person, before attempting to date them. You never really know who someone is.
In all honesty, don’t put a title on it, would be my tip.
Why not put a title on it? If you really like the person, enjoy the partnership, it’s been a while, you want to be exclusive, you want to introduce them around? Whats the harm of a title if you’re both excited about what it’s becoming?
Dont be fake. Dont lie. Dont cheat.
Be kind, listen as much as you speak. Ask clarifying questions.
Dont assume mundane things mean what you think they mean. “Sometime” might mean “its a neat idea” to someone where to someone else say “sometime” as in very very soon. Like soon.
Ask, Don’t assume.
No means no. When they say no thank you, you say “ok!” And walk away. You dont demand reasoning or another chance. Life isnt the movies.
No means no anytime.
Your name gets around if you are nice or if you are shitty. Dont be shitty.
Good sex is about communication not the “perfect” body. Porn isn’t reality. Ask questions. Be receptive. Share. Talk.
Ask, dont assume.
Work on being a kind and good person. Keep yourself clean. No one owes you anything. Be someone worth hanging out with.
Unless your goal is to just get laid, don’t pretend to be anybody but who you are. If your date isn’t happy hanging out with your real self, there’s no future in that relationship.
Talking to women is the same as talking to men. Treat them like people
And if you need to be told to treat women like people, maybe start with developing some friendships with no romantic interest or future. Social connections with no pressure will help.