• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Deja Vu is just an error with how we save memories.

    It skips working memory, short term memory, and goes straight into long term memory so everything we experience feels like we’re remembering it, but no matter how hard you try you can’t remember the future.

    During certain recreational activities, it can last long enough to realize what’s happening. Normally you just get a brief moment of it till shit gets straightened out.

    • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Alright, so here’s my craziest deja vu moment.

      I’m a teenager and I’m sitting around the table with my buddies, and somebody says something that makes me think “woah, deja vu” and I remember that after that phrase was said, Tony would stand up and get some water. There was a brief moment where I knew what was about to happen, and sure enough, Tony stood up and got some water. That was as far as it lasted and it never happened since, but it blew my mind at the time. Still does honestly.

      • MutilationWave@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Once I was sitting in my friend’s dorm room and I was so sure her (landline) phone was about to ring that I said out loud “Your phone is about to ring.” And it did. There were two witnesses and they were like how did you do that? After the call. To this day I have no idea why I was so certain that I spoke.

      • TheRealKuni@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        That’s exactly what Deja Vu is. You’re convinced you know what is going to happen because you’ve seen it before. And when it happens you’re think, “I knew that was going to happen, it happened exactly as I had seen it!” So you remember it that way.

        But in the moment you wouldn’t have actually been able to say what was about to happen. Your brain confirms that you did know what was going to happen when it does, because it’s essentially “reading” the memory as it “writes” it.

        It helps that our conscious experience of the world is lagged a few milliseconds behind our instinctual reactions. So you actually did see it before you processed it happening, just by fractions of a second.

        (NB: I am not a doctor or a psychologist or anything, this is just based on my experience and on what I’ve read. Human memory is very very flawed and we’re prone to remembering things differently than they happened, and be extremely confident about that misremembering. Especially the more times we go over that memory, rewriting it every time.)

        • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          No. You don’t understand. I know what regular deja vu is, that happens all the time.

          I knew he was going to get up from the table and THEN he got up from the table. I’m not talking about boring old “this feels like it happened before”.

          I actually thought to myself “Tony’s about to stand up for water.” BEFORE he stood up, and LONG before he went anywhere near the water (about 20 feet away).