They should have cut his ass off and put up a screen of the actual text of the bill. Stop letting these people lie on fucking tv. Call them out. Shut them up and prove they’re lying right in front of them.
Seriously - not a bad response per se, but fucking EVERYONE knows these chucklefucks come to negotiate in bad faith, so bringing the receipts as a journalist is absolutely fucking crucial to catch them in outright lies, and actually nailing them to the wall on national television instead of letting them skitter around and avoid the point. I can just about guarantee you a large proportion of the viewership is on that shitass senator’s side, because a large proportion of the viewership is either that wrongheaded, dumb, prejudiced, dogmatic, or some combination thereof.
its cnn. they are on his side, just less explicitly so
We need more babies!
No, not like that!
This guy always looks like he’s doped up
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