Hello out there, fellow caffeinated Lemmings!
Got anything new in your brew?
Did you make a mess-o of your espresso?
Did you French pull instead of French press?
Tell us about it for those valuable Internet points!
Hello out there, fellow caffeinated Lemmings!
Got anything new in your brew?
Did you make a mess-o of your espresso?
Did you French pull instead of French press?
Tell us about it for those valuable Internet points!
Heating up around here so I’m onto to cold brew. Basically a fine mesh strainer cup in a jar that I let sit overnight. 40 grams lasts 2 days.
Give it a good shake when I make it. Roughly 18 hours steep then it’s good to go the next day, nice and cold out of the fridge.
If I’m fasting I have it with just an ice block, but if I’m not ill have it with oat milk in a tall glass, maybe 80 coffee, 20 oat milk. good shit!