The gold standard in games retaining playerbases in this genre is Baldur’s Gate 3, which still puts up over 100,000 players nightly, though it released just over a year and a half ago.
Going off memory but I think BG3’s act 1 was out before cyberpunk or close to the same time. I had 100+ hours before the game released, and it was with huge gaps of play time. I think it was in Beta for at least two years.
I bought both cyberpunk and BG3 in gog instead of steam. I would guess cyberpunk sells more through gog than BG3 would since it’s their own platform. Would be interesting if gog stats could be seen as well, but since it’s DRM free, tracking stats on some people are outright impossible.
Going off memory but I think BG3’s act 1 was out before cyberpunk or close to the same time. I had 100+ hours before the game released, and it was with huge gaps of play time. I think it was in Beta for at least two years.
Well… Cyberpunk was basically an unfinished alpha when it was released.
Also, BG3 has no major DLC.
I played it the day it was released on pc, the only issue was how shitty the cars drove. But you could change the setting so bikes were usable
Consoles were different, but PC I never really had issues.
I bought both cyberpunk and BG3 in gog instead of steam. I would guess cyberpunk sells more through gog than BG3 would since it’s their own platform. Would be interesting if gog stats could be seen as well, but since it’s DRM free, tracking stats on some people are outright impossible.