My wifi was still out until this evening, so i decided to finally pick up Max Payne 2 since i had it installed, if only so i can finally clear it off my list. I made it about halfway through the entire thing today before stopping when my Wi-Fi came back on.
The game has this pretty backdrop of rain, though i still think the first game’s snow was my favorite. The game feels a bit more refined than the first one, though this may just be the higher poly models making it easier to tell what i can and can’t shoot through. It also feels a lot easier and forgiving with Ammo. With the first one i felt like i had to make each shot count, this one i feel like i have had no shortage of ammo.
The rain I mentioned
The soundtrack for this game is just as good as the first one too and i love how some of the levels sprinkle in references to the first one. There’s a bar sign that references the bar from the first game, and you even got to go there in reverse of what the first game made you go through too.
The fun house
there was also this fun house section that you go through and it was a unique change of pace, especially when it’s revisited later. There’s a section with a giant ass needle, and as someone who’s unsettled by needles, i think i can safely say that’s the first time this game has unsettled me.
Impressive, he’s still going
The pills will ease the pain