Ah, the cracker index
Wake up babe, new first/second/third world definitions just dropped.
Fuck Portugal I guess?
Also Mexico? The Phillipines?
Greenland, even though Denmark is blue.
Who knows what that’s revenge for.
Oh, it’s the map they always use
Excluding some EU countries is a great move toward accelerating the Union’s fracturing.
I really doubt any sort of US action could lead to the EU fracturing.
If anything, having to deal with the US has brought us closer together. On one side there’s Trump making a fool of himself and of the US. On the other side there’s Musk, thinking he can take on European unions and actually win, because he thinks he’s still in the US, and in the middle there’s what i like to call the sheep pen of tech companies. We shear their wool for fines on privacy violations every couple of months to fund our regulatory organs.
I guess letting a handful of white-collar racist IP lawyers draft your foreign policy isn’t such a good idea after all.
Meh. CTU means stuff comes into e.g. Rotterdam and then easily wherever it needs to go from there, and complaining about “evading sanctions” seems to me like an exercise in futility.
Either that map is wrong, or the US doesn’t understand how the EU works.
Geopolitics. Whoever isn’t on board with USA (or is suspected not to be) is getting sanctions. Austria and Swiss are neutral (on paper), that’s not really going to fly with “you’re with us or you’re against us” attitude of the US.
My guess is they are not a member of the EU. I don’t understand Portugal tho.
Biden didn’t want to provoke the Turks and so Greece is also a tier 2 country
whole east Europe is tier 2. What an influence Turkey has!
The world seriously needs an alternative to US technology.
Also what does Biden have against Iceland and Greenland?
The more you buy, the more you save!