From the report: “The Committee determined there is substantial evidence that Representative Gaetz violated House Rules and other standards of conduct prohibiting prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use, impermissible gifts, special favors or privileges, and obstruction of Congress.”
More: “The record overwhelmingly suggests that Representative Gaetz had sex with multiple women at a 2017 Florida party, including the then-17-year-old, for which they were paid… Victim A recalled receiving $400 in cash from Representative Gaetz that evening, which she understood to be payment for sex. At the time, she had just completed her junior year of high school. Victim A said that she did not inform Representative Gaetz that she was under 18 at the time, nor did he ask her age.”
Now it’s time for Rapey to follow through on his oft made threats to out all the other republicans with sexual skeletons in their closets.
Pretty sure both of those things violate federal laws too. Not that laws matter with Donvict in charge.
They didn’t matter with Garland in charge and that’s at least as big of a problem. Whoever manages to remove Trump from office needs to finally hold the whole criminal apparatus that has propped up the Republican party for decades accountable.
I dont think there are comparable federal laws for rape. Human trafficking and wire fraud, sure but rape is dependant on the laws of the state. The Federal case was hampered by the lack of credible witnesses. The state of Florida will do nothing because DeSantis and Rapey are good friends.
Not many people seem to know about the lack of witnesses and think dropping the case was garden variety corruption.
But! The (former) minor in question and his good buddy Joel have both been happily singing their little hearts out. Wish they had sung early enough to nail him, but I’m happy enough they finally talked. And boy did a bunch of other people talk!
Joel stole millions of dollars while being tax collector of a Florida county. What did he do with that money. He, and his good friend Matt used it as fuel for coke and sex parties. So he rolled on Matt. He’s now in jail for federal fraud charges.
I’m well aware. And Mr. Joel is in the pen for it.
The age of consent is 18 in only 10 states, Florida being one of them. And I’m certain you can’t be nailed for past drug use. Also, they cleared him on interstate sex trafficking.
So what can we nail him for? Florida can surely proceed with statutory rape. Not sure what else. How about hiring prostitutes?
Yeah, so basically because he kept his statutory rape to a single state, and that states corrupt governor will never prosecute him then he gets away with it. Ron DeSantis needs to be fired. Preferably out of a cannon into the sun.
Well, yeah? So back to the original question, what else can he be nailed for?
In theory or in practice? In theory I’m sure a whole laundry list. In practice absolutely nothing because literally everyone in a position to do something is either corrupt or incompetent.
The article I read earlier said he broke federal laws too. Yet I keep seeing the headline worded this way, seemingly to soften the truth. So fucking disgusting, this country
He was my Congressman, so I’ve been following closer than most. Holy shit did a pile of people throw him under the bus! My eyes were bugging out at all the dirt they shoveled up.
This article has even more:
LOL! They got texts and everything!
Gaetz is a rich frat boy that had never gotten in trouble. The second he got on the national stage he was showing other House members nude pics of the women he was banging. Anyone remember that? LOL, even the GOP wouldn’t have him as AG, and the GOP sets a low bar.
At the time, she had just completed her junior year of high school.
“The Committee received testimony that Victim A and Representative Gaetz had sex twice during the party, including at least once in the presence of other party attendees,”
In another text message exchange cited by the committee, Greenberg exchanged messages with a woman in September 2018, writing, “If you have a friend that is down, perhaps all four of us can meet up later.”
The woman responded she did have a friend who could meet up, adding, “I usually do $400 per meet.”
Greenberg responded by sending a photo of Gaetz holding out a phone and taking a selfie. “Oooh my friend thinks he’s really cute!” the woman responded.
“Well, he’s down here only for the day, we work hard and play hard,” Greenberg wrote. “Have you ever tried molly.”
. . . Committee investigators concluded that between 2017 to 2019, Gaetz “used or possessed illegal drugs, including cocaine and ecstasy, on multiple occasions.”
“There is substantial evidence that Representative Gaetz used cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana. At least two women saw Representative Gaetz using cocaine and ecstasy at different events,” the committee wrote. “Additionally, nearly every witness interviewed observed Representative Gaetz using marijuana.”