Don’t know how it’s not obvious that they won’t gut the EPA. The Biden administration added a ton of funding to the EPA for climate action. It’s a priority for them.
Come on man, if you can’t tell the difference between judges appointed under Democrats vs those under Republicans, I don’t know how to show you. Looking at the supreme court voting record is a pretty clear sign there. John Oliver just did a piece on this last night that is worth checking out.
There are already bills that are getting support from lots of Democrats in the House and Senate to provide similar protections that Chevron deference gave. I say “might” because of course this is only going to happen with strong Democrat control of both the House and the Senate.
Similar to Chevron deference, bills have been brought forward that have broad support among Democrats for trans healthcare and abortion access.
Democrats, like you said, are not saviors. They at-best react to Republicans and Republican-appointed judges doing evil shit when they are in power, or providing “solutions” that barely scratch the surface of the work/funding needed. Democrats have not had the political power to push these bills through since the Republicans did the evil shit they are reacting to. It’s pretty disingenuous to blame them for these bills not passing in the system we have.
I do. I follow the $23,000,000 the EPA just gave to my department to reduce methane emissions in my state from funding that the Biden administration made happen.