It’s a joke on the “I can fix her/him/them” meme.
It’s a joke on the “I can fix her/him/them” meme.
I read the title as un-derfed, not under-fed. I should probably get off the internet.
I am still disappointed they dropped the Cortana branding. Not that a digital personal assistant meant true AI but, it’s a distinct, memorable, Microsoft linked branding opportunity.
I’m pretty sure I received a warning about these lately from WSDOT.
thank mr skeltal
Plus, the Secret Service needs. Logistically, they had to.
Many are franchises, so yes, it’s technically a small business.
It’s a rough mountain to climb, logistically. 17 miles in befote you even get to climb it.
According to the local news interview, 8’ concrete piles.
Odds are that single helicopter landing cost more than this.
Doesn’t this dude have a toddler or kindergartener at 84?
Well it’s because it obviously would out him as way fatter than he claimed, and probably shorter, too.
Alexa, play “Despacito”.
Did you try apkmirror?
I have a TCL Flip 2. Does email, plays audio files, and the web browser can play YouTube, but the web is hardly usable otherwise. It kept me off my smartphone well.
Pretty hard to defenistrate a whale
It’s an EV - a PHEV.