I could see Magas backing him while also asking for Obama’s birth certificate. Not a great leap in mental gymnastics for them.
I could see Magas backing him while also asking for Obama’s birth certificate. Not a great leap in mental gymnastics for them.
It sounds like the cost of the air tag would kick the value over 200. Not sure if stealing it by proxy would be considered.
When I was a kid my dad picked up a bunch of political signs AFTER the election to use as free range targets. A cop stopped him and gave him a hard time but nothing came of it.
I think these stairs are in a hotel in Prague/Praha. I swear I have seen them.
“We must therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate intolerance”
Karl Popper
I was told in no uncertain terms If I didn’t give them my passport info they would arrest me.
I got a fine for not getting my bus ticket stamped in Florence, Italy. Apparently if you paid it the same day it was one price and that price doubled after a week, month, etc.
Didn’t matter the machine failed when I stamped it because it was out of ink. I even tried to stamp it in front of the officer. He said I could appeal it in person in court. They know tourists aren’t going to appear in court to appeal. I felt scammed but after calming myself down and paying the fine the officer apologized and told me in a few words he hated his job.
All right. You win. I see you’ve played axeyswordy before.
I can’t speak with confidence on the existence of Moses or a figure that was the basis of the legend.
By the “time of Moses” I mean around 1300BCE.
It’s hard to prove a man didn’t exist. It’s easy to state there is no evidence of Exodus as biblically described.
There is no archeological evidence of Israelites residing in Egypt at the time of Moses nor of their enslavement there.
It is widely agreed that the tribes of Israel decended from Canaanites and other locals.
I wish modern christians would revise the bible. It’s not like they haven’t done it before.
Your link says the US spent 874 Billion on National defense this year.
This link has a bit of a disparity. I’m too busy to figure out the difference now but maybe you can take a look.