What is the original quote in this meme?
What is the original quote in this meme?
I’m an idiot and never linked the link
We got one of these hoodies for our dog, and I think he might actually like wearing it, and he hates most clothes
This has the same energy as France’s longest land border being with Brazil.
It is the longest border France shares with another country, despite not being located in mainland France.
Damn I had this exact thought this morning. Granted, it’s probably just because I had to wrap up all my crypto stuff yesterday before the new regulations went into place.
I thought that’s genuinely how they did it at high end restaurants to make sure you have a perfectly portioned bit of pasta cooked to the right doneness. I swear I’ve seen this method on Hell’s Kitchen.
Granted, I may be thinking about something else vs what you’re talking about but still.
I’m sure there is more than one mom and pop outfit using them who thought they were just “new quick books”. I would certainly feel sorry for people who are swindled by con men, and this feels the same to me.
This is super inspirational. I just recently got an heirloom of a Wagner that was my grandma’s, and I think her mom before her. It’s a bit crusted over (nothing like what you have, but still crusty), and I can’t decide whether to clean it up or not like you’ve done here. I think I’ll probably talk to my grandma, though, and try to do what you’ve done here with this beautiful restoration.
A Ford F-150. Where I live it just makes sense for every family to have one truck, so I have the truck while my wife has the more sensible / fuel efficient Honda.
Yep we’ve got a large utensil drawer
You gotta remember the time horizon, even with historically bad presidents in office, if you smooth the line of the stock market returns over 10, 20, or 30 years, it ends up looking like a really, really good as an investment opportunity. Especially if you’re into dollar cost averaging.
Basically, if Trump tanks the stock market by going way overboard with things like tariffs, that would (at least looking at historical trends, I’m no financial expert or anything) make for a killer time to buy into the stock market because you’re getting stocks at a “discount.” Then when a different president / legislature comes into office, and if they turn around the economy, your investment would rise faster than otherwise expected.
Again, you gotta do what’s right for you, this isn’t me saying you should absolutely invest or anything, especially if your basic needs aren’t met or your emergency savings aren’t at a good enough level to last 6–12 months unemployed. This is just how it has been for the last ~100 years.
As much as I hate to send you to Reddit, the r/personalfinance flowchart is hard to beat for most people. I’d recommend you start there to make sure you’re not overlooking something like your emergency fund.
There’s also hardly any reward (comparatively speaking). Yields are crazy high right now on savings accounts, but they’re going to continue to drop, vs investing in the stock market (over the long term) is much more likely to maintain a much higher rate of return. Even at 5%, you’re really only getting about 2% growth since inflation is stuck at 3% right now. That compares to a long term average in the stock market of 7-9% after inflation.
Not to say that OP should do that, necessarily. Especially if they haven’t built their emergency fund which is far more important than investing, until you have a safe amount.
I just want to say thank you so much for sharing these every day. My dad and I love Calvin and Hobbes, and it’s so nice being able to share these with him.
Scenario 5: put it all in one big long docker-compose.yml and cross your fingers that docker isolation does its job.
E: definitely not what I do, no siree
Which is only possible because of this magic technology to let you see and talk in near real time to anyone, anywhere. Used to be that if your sibling / parent / other family member wasn’t in town, you couldn’t see them in real time at any time, usually just a single / couple times a year at holidays.
Sure calling was a thing, but it’s just different when you can see someone.
I saw these being advertised HARD in Las Vegas, so I’m curious the experience of anyone who has used one as well.