It scares me that generations before and after millennials are not as proficient with technology. Before makes perfect sense, but younger people being unable to use a computer or tell if they’re being scammed really disheartens me. I blame the excesses of capitalism and ignorance of our lawmakers.
The way the web and services are structured is extremely unfair to the consumer. We pay for access to the internet, then we pay for access to premium content sources and to stop ads for showing. So many middle men… where is the benefit exactly? How is a podcast better than my community radio?
The ownership of digital goods is the worst part of all. Games, music, tv shows… stuff that is a formative part of your life you should be able to pass onto your kids isn’t yours. You own a “license” which is just a record in some database that can be revoked between company acquisitions.
Bill from XBill - He installs adware and malware which if long enough turns into Windows. If you let Windows update you die
The Gimp - uses photo editing tools to give people red eye and blind them, or stretch them horizontally so they look weird
Tux could be like Mario, maybe different items turn him into different distros like eating a mint power up turns him into Linux Mint.