hiding accessibility features behind a pay wall is disgusting, because only people with disabilities have to pay for it. *edit if you’re downvoting, just let me know so I can block all of the ableists running around this community
we all made a big mistake coming down from the trees in the first place
hiding accessibility features behind a pay wall is disgusting, because only people with disabilities have to pay for it. *edit if you’re downvoting, just let me know so I can block all of the ableists running around this community
I’m not saying it’s an excuse for hiding accessibility features behind a paywall, but for that you’re going to want to search YouTube for “(song title) karaoke”.
you can just crack the APK to use it for free.
every time the story comes back up it takes me ages to figure out who I was talking about again. I can never remember the name, but he was featured in an episode of last podcast on the left
I still can’t get his office to comment about anti-genocide protesters that were arrested in his office back in november. fuck him
wasn’t this the opening scene from The Wolf of Wall Street
Henry Ford’s right hand man had uneven steps in his home as a defense mechanism. he fell down them and died while drunk
that’s interesting. it must have converted it without my permission because I was uploading an mp4. I think I’ll upload directly to imgur and post links moving forward, I appreciate you letting me know
I guess uploading through Boost doesn’t work for all instances? check out the comment from finlandia I think they added it for people of other instances
actually paid $3 for this app like 5 years ago but the fact that it’s missing from all the official locations means I’m going to have to pirate it to get my $3 back
I eventually found an older, modded version over on HappyMod. looks like it’ll work for me for now
what’s this for?
lol your skin can’t move without muscles dude.
it’s perfectly normal for muscles to twitch after an exercise, and when you get a muscle twitch like that it usually feels like it’s near the skin. your muscles are having trouble recovering and it’s either because they’ve been overworked, or you’re dehydrated, or you’ve been taking stimulants, or you’ve got low magnesium.
okay so I eventually found it. you have to click on the mod log and then refresh the page for some reason, and when it’s a removed post you have to search for the post title instead of your name.
how come this feedback isn’t put into a comment?
okay. when I try opening it in a browser, it says “The server returned this error: couldnt_find_post. This may be useful for admins and developers to diagnose and fix the error”
sorry, the bottom of what page? I’m using boost
about a removed post.
I mean unless you’ve got something other than the shooter’s word, the guy can say he was just kneeling down to tie his shoes. or that he dropped something and it rolled under the vehicle
so you’re cool with people with disabilities having to do more labor than you to get the same thing? go fuck yourself