Something I’ve realized about the post mortem takes is that peoples opinions on what went wrong is often just the laundry list of things they wanted and didn’t get.
So the candidate wasn’t perfect enough for them and if candidate just did all that well enough for me then it would have been a victory. Easy peasy. Too bad they aren’t the entire electorate.
Seems only natural in an era of heightened partisanship. It’s not even left-right but divisions among factions within. Why is everyone ignoring the strong anti-communist sentiment among Latino populations. If Harris lost that by surprisingly large margins campaigning more center than anything then a proper left candidate would have even worse numbers.
Ah, there it is. America is angling to make Taiwan irrelevant by stealing chip tech. Feels like I’ve been taking crazy pills as nobody anywhere else talks about this. Taiwan would do well to protect themselves from imperialists. There’s nobody looking out for them except themselves.
Everyone (meaning western discourse) is all giddy as if America is saving Taiwan. Soon as they taken chip making tech, Taiwan becomes irrelevant to America.
“Hello, Mr Biden? Hello, Mr Trump? It’s Taiwan”
“Tai-who? *click*”