Copa Cabana
Copa Cabana
Part of why the commercial stations won’t be ready is because the ISS won’t commit to a deorbit date, so they can’t predict the market!
2030 should be the absolute latest, or the leaks on the Russian side will take the whole thing down.
Just when I thought I was going to bed… Thanks for the link!
I think my next campaign needs a pawn shop that’ll consider buying anything but will seriously low-ball it if they can’t move it easily. And maybe need to talk to an expert they know.
This has some great shots (boosters in the megabay, tons of engines, and the scale in the factory) but the interview questions didn’t really feel worth the time. I’m sure they had to cut some good stuff, but there was a lot of the usual reusability talk and too much of Tim’s “joke” ideas. The nuggets about their manufacturing philosophy, icing, and Raptor 3 upgrades were cool, though. Post-flight part 2 coming soon?
How is this a handout? They bid for a contract and won it vs competitors.
I’m hoping we get a source selection statement soon where they spell out why companies like Northrop and Blue didn’t win.