Why does Elon look like he’s badly photoshopped onto his own body?
An early bird in the hand gets the low hanging fruit in the bush.
Why does Elon look like he’s badly photoshopped onto his own body?
…‘Who is responsible?’
Obviously the deer is very responsible, he’s wearing proper PPE.
See, this is why he usually un-tucks his shirt to fart.
It’d be interesting to study you and find out what went wrong.
Kinda sounds like a reason some people might try to preserve or widen a gender pay gap. If they can’t keep women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, this is their next best thing.
Just say gnome to drugs.
Both sides both sides both sides both sides bo…
You got it, buddy.
…suspended for two years, …
With a reinforced harness and pulley system to accommodate his weight, hopefully.
On one end, yeah.
Turns out the A in AD&D stood for “Appalachian”.
…the St. Peter part is made up…
Which stands in stark lack of contrast with the rest of the bible.
Which would be a poor but not completely unreasonable way to describe what happens when you squish a clump to split it into individual grains so the oil can cook it evenly instead of making an oily white rice ball that has a fried outer surface.
Damn, can’t pay this month either. Sorry baby, you’re staying in.
I’ll assume they’re talking about breaking up clumps instead of the thing a serial killer would do and then just phrased it poorly.
His application to join the ATF is looking pretty strong though.
Wouldn’t say a word but with a little cheese and time, she’ll wish I was speaking with my mouth. Hopefully the collateral damage will understand that they suffer for a noble cause.
Must be cold, give it a blanket.
The issue was not that he was eating it, it was how he was eating it.
In addition to the 10,000 they already sent?
Another day that ends in ‘Y’, is it? Bible-humpers are constantly trying this bullshit. Fire up the Satan Signal so Jesus freaks can learn why this idea won’t work out the way they plan.