Please don’t feed your black kitties junk food and alcohol.
Please don’t feed your black kitties junk food and alcohol.
There’s no place I can be
Since I’ve found Serenity
You can’t take the sky from me.
Awww, now my data is complete.
Certified fabulousness.
Very fabulous indeed. I need to see the other stare as well. For science.
Wait, you guys tell dad jokes to children?
Some birds are pretty intelligent.
Well, I’m happy for you that it got better. But I’m afraid, from now on, my mind is going to stop occasionally to wonder about the average time people spend on this activity 😆
Two minutes? Is that a good thing? How much time do people usually spend shitting? I’m not vegan, I do eat a lot of vegetables and fruit though. It takes me like 10s. I thought that was quite usual.
This is absolutely awsome. The style is so good. I need this at home.
I do occasionaly buy a donut, but never for myself. So I cary it around with me for a while, often visiting other shops with it. I’d rather have a receipt with me, don’t need any funny experiences.
Some people like to be tickled and would even pay for it. No problem with that. Perhaps we need a new genre or subgenre name?
Why use a pump when you have a diver.
This is an old one, but I always enjoy telling it in new contexts:
Trump walks outside the White House aimlessly. He slowly picks up a stone, inspects it closely, then puts it back and continues his slow walk.
Vance is worried and calls the Kremlin for help.
"We’ll look into it, Mr. Vance… hang on… Oh. We’re terribly sorry, the fault is ours. By mistake we’ve sent him the instructions meant for Lunokhod.
The Catholic church’s stance up until the 90s’! So much worse than I thought.
If you look at it from this perspective, there’s no deserving anything, things just happen.
Intelligence evolved because it’s great for an individual to navigate their social circles. But we’re unable to apply it in larger groups. As states, nations, large inernational groups, we are utterly stupid.
Yet there are precedents where people were able to organize on international level in a meaningful and positive way. Let’s mention the end of freons or positive internet projects like Wikipedia.
We might be headed into darker times now and I feel a lot of panic. It’s important to remember that change for the better is possible and happens from time to time.
The fact that they are complete morons doesn’t mean they want to be treated this way. It is a case for the leopards, but saying this is not helpful to the potential victims from both camps.
Please, keep your empathy for women in general, they’re going to need it now more than ever.
Why do you have to sexualize everything? I just like my butthole nice and clean.
What’s going on there?
So much sweetness in one photo!