Then, are tips included in the waiters taxable income, or is it more like extra money not contributing to the common thnijgs ? (genuine auestion)
Then, are tips included in the waiters taxable income, or is it more like extra money not contributing to the common thnijgs ? (genuine auestion)
Not sure yet what this “tankie” thing is about… It seems to be an american thing, and as far as I understand it is used to disqualify anyone not aligned with social democrat point of view (ie western world is the good ones, despite what the 70 last years show us, capitalism is the least worst system, and societal liberalism is a huge enough concession to leftism). Or am I wrong ?
Too much makeup ! Deal breaker.
Well, I guess I’m not a tankie then, nor an American either. I was born as a western citizen, in the good side of the world. Then… I have been fooledva deceived by the western world. I don’t expect China, or Russia, or any dictatorship to do any good. I was expecting the US and Europe and even Israel to do so. Then… About Grahib, Guantanamo, Gaza, Snowden’s revelations, Rainbow warrior, hate, lies, massacres, … Western world in not any better than the rest… Not worst, but certainly not better. And I’m sad.
Well, genocide is a word calling for references to Israel these days… Having extremists religious supremacists leading a country is rarely a call for humanism.
I’ve read the screen copy and can’t see any reference to “genocidal countries” at all (BTW you forgot Israel, didn’t you?). They are just telling the american way of life won’t cope with inequity, climate change and other countries wanting to live the same way, and centrist lefitism is not enough to change things…
Wolfenstein. Killing nazis (well, symbolic) must be the game this week-end in France !
Still conveys some information: seems they are using a qwerty layout.