I like pineapple on my pizza. Therefore, I rule that everyone else must always eat pineapple on their pizza. The Constitution doesn’t say anything about pizza, so this is totally okay and exactly what the “Founders” wanted.
This is not, and never was, merely an issue of “being an impartial person”… but believing that you can and should be able to force your own partial views onto others - sometimes under threat of state violence - even when those views directly contradict the obvious letter and intent of our Constitution.
“Ideology over impartiality” means “they rule by fiat, rather than by any principle of justice.”
Yes, Congress explicitly empowered you to do this, and yes you may be protecting citizens rights to not have corporations cover them with harmful, painful pollution… but it might eat into the profits of some of our bribery-patrons, so we’ve decided that we are going to supersede Congress’s authority on this. We’ll figure out our weasely reasoning later.