Hey, it was supposed to look bad. A dystopian future where the entire earth was basically a third world country where all the good stuff was manufactured for the off world colonies.
Hey, it was supposed to look bad. A dystopian future where the entire earth was basically a third world country where all the good stuff was manufactured for the off world colonies.
“The future should look like the future.” - Elon Musk
The cybertruck future looks like 1982’s Blade Runner.
It will just mean that the citizens will ill-intent will find ways to use the same tools against the surveillance system.
Not to mention, most of the people NOT on their best behavior will be the guys running the companies and agencies running the system.
I read a mainstream biography about Aristotle Onassis recently - something that was on the NY Times bestseller list back when it was published in 2004 - and near the beginning it casually comes up that the Secretary of State or head of the CIA (they were brothers at the time) was having an affair with the Queen of Greece. It wasn’t even the point of the chapter. Instead, it was just a element in the US governments behind the scene manipulations as they used private intelligence firms to sink a deal between Onassis and the Saudis to fund their own shipping fleet.
If this were multiple choice, then I would go with #2.
“It’s not hard to make a lot of money. If all you want to do is make a lot of money.” -Citizen Kane, 1941
Easy algorithm there. Stop hiring people and they will stop buying things. Then they can stop making things and just eat their money to survive.
That’s typical AI logic anyway.