Now those salmon fishermen (who didn’t even have to pay the $700 fee to monitor their amount they catch that this lawsuit was about) can decimate their fishing spot and subject all of us to unsafe workplaces, dumping of chemicals into water supplies and pollution of the air we breathe.
He hasn’t answered a question all night, and it’s all lies. Every bit.
“I will do everything I can. My opponent wont.”
The moderators should be ashamed of themselves.
Trump hasn’t answered a single question in 20 mins.
“I just wanna go back to that.”
They are allowing gish galloping like a motherfucker and Biden has to defend himself from a thousand lies AND answer the question asked while Trump spews bullshit unending.
Stop with the data. Joe! Short and sweet because your stutter hits.
It is just Bullshit bullshit bullshit out of Trump. It’s fucking wild.
Yep. And no fact check means it’s true in Trumpland.
Stop with the stories, Joe! Keep it simple!
Fucking no fact checking is insanity.
This is literally constant stream of bullshit from Trump.
Jesus Joe!
It’s everyone’s problem, lol.
Fascists don’t stop at their borders.
Joe studdered, and it broke his rhythm.
Joe needs a glass of water.
He needs to clam down too. He’s all over the place.
She’s like a Michelle Bachman clone that got into a bag of crack.
^^what’s ^^a ^^battle?
Saying 9/9 justices don’t give a shit is disingenuous to say the least. In case you forgot 6 >3, here’s a refresher course on something you should have learned in 1st grade math.
Well yeah. It takes money away from schools. That’s the end game.
Took just 29 mins for a
#bOtH sIdEs
post to show up.
There are currently 4,000 religions in the world today (ball park figure)
Show them all.
Little Timmy’s art work he’s proud of?
Sorry. No room because we have to cater to religious assholes who make up the Republican party.
Right? Wtf was that all about?
They won’t but keep asking.