much appreciated, thanks!
much appreciated, thanks!
anything specific that firefox lacks that is keeping you on chrome?
The president has the power to order the Department of education to delete the debt…
any sources to back this up? stating it as fact does not make it one.
Because all you do is complain online like all the other democrats.
Oh, you know me personally?
We lost to an orange rapist criminal because losers like you don’t protest with guns
Spoken like a true basement dwelling loser. Go back to 4chan, edgelord
100% contradicting yourself, my guy.
Because Biden did it in ways the judges could block
What options are available?
Per the Department of Education, the executive has the authority to simply delete the debt
That doesn’t seem to be the case as “The president … can forgive debts only when Congress authorizes it” [1].
fuck every republican who voted for this.
there you go again, assuming you know anything about who i am, who i support, and what actions i’ve taken/not taken.
my critique of your attitude is that you blame others in a “matter of fact” way without knowing anything about them. childish, immature, and edgy are appropriate descriptions for your reactions. i’m no longer responding after this as clearly you are quick to anger and anger doesn’t lead to rational thought. if you’re not already seeing a therapist, i strongly suggest it. lashing out and projecting doesn’t hurt anyone but yourself.