You can finally find the voids!
You can finally find the voids!
I was there last November, I rode the train from Schiphol airport to Utrecht. It is a very nice city 100% would go again.
Withstand voltage?
🎶You argue and you bicker and you fight
Atheists and Catholics, Jews and Hindus, argue day and night
Over what they think is true
But no one entertains the thought that maybe God does not believe in you🎶
Yes, you are correct on all points. But even if there were prior issues encouraging words can turn things around, no reason to discourage and frustrate children over something small.
The teacher missed an opportunity to encourage the anon, “Oh anon how kind of you to carry around enough sharpeners to share with those who don’t have any, thank you!” That said 70 is a lot, I just hate when teachers only see the negative side of things and punish kids for stupid reasons.
Ha! I did not notice that!