I mean, the man is 71 years old, is probably very wealthy, and wants to have fun. Let the man retire.
I had mine at 42 and I don’t think there was much asking if this is what I really wanted. It was an explanation of the procedure and how long I’ll be out.
Day of, it was snip snip, have a good day. No need for the frozen peas on your nuts.
If you believe the previous presidents you listed were as narcissistic as Trump, I do t know what to say.
Also, Republicans have reshaped this country in a worst way. Democrats are weaker, but that is only because they don’t stoop to the same level as Republicans do when it comes to politics. Dems actually try to work together, Republicans say do what I want or else. Do you remember at all the previous government shutdowns? All due to Republicans not willing to compromise. Then they do a big show saying it’s all Democrats fault.
I completely disagree with this. People stayed home and didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 because they wanted to send a message. They didn’t think Trump would be elected.
What we got was 4 years of a narcissist running the country who cares more about himself and his friends than what was good for the people.
I didn’t like Hillary, but I voted for her. I don’t like Biden but I’ll vote for him because the alternative is another 4 years of people losing rights that I believe they should have.
If a business wants it, then it isn’t good for the consumer.
Also, the only time a business should be talking to Congress is to explain why they did something, not for new laws. Last time I checked, Congress was supposed to serve the people, not businesses, but I know that has t been true for a long time.