~~https://mastodon.social/@omegahaxors~~ My mastodon account has been permanently suspended. I have my data exported so I can start my account up again, if I ever do that I will update my account link here, but with bad of a taste the platform has put in my mouth, I probably won’t migrate.
“Dopamine Detox” and “NoFap” guys are trying to get you frustrated so you’re easier to radicalize. This is a long and storied fascist recruitment tactic. The worse you feel the more likely you are to find community within their circles, and that’s when they get you.
If there’s even a single mennanist in this comment section than lemmy has failed and we have to start over.
EDIT: Top comment, for fuck sake. EDIT2: most of the comments for that matter.
There’s this concept under socialism called “development” where you make small steps towards your desired outcome. Naturally, capitalists hate this which is why they spend so much money pushing for all-or-nothing “solutions” and encouraging people to quit when it doesn’t work. Whatever it takes to make sure that people don’t fundamentally challenge their illegitimate rule as they burn the planet for profit.
Hate to break it to you, but a meme, by definition, is political propaganda.
Yes, all those images you’ve been laughing at these years were part of a political project. They looove hiding in plain sight.
You’re telling on yourself. You genuinely don’t give a shit about the Palestinian struggle. You just want them to sit down and take their genocide.
Buy some supplements that contain Vitamin D and Iron. Most people are deficient and it affects their mood. I got some meal replacements that basically contain everything and it’s kept me in good spirits while everything is going to shit. I should be depressed, but I’m not.
EDIT: Iodine too. The over-the-counter stuff is called “kelp” and the reason they don’t put it in multivitamins is because it metabolizes into a substance that in excess will give you gout. Iodine is hard to get from your diet so having supplements every now and then is important.