Nice to point out a public service, as their less likely to act in favor of whatever gets a sponsorship (even though they still do sponsors/ads to a degree)
Nice to point out a public service, as their less likely to act in favor of whatever gets a sponsorship (even though they still do sponsors/ads to a degree)
Yep. Much like northbound travelers in the US South, when we see a low price we buy as much as our tank can carry.
You’re not a “normal gay guy” if you don’t respect trans rights; normal from their frame of mind just means gold medal olympic mental gymnasts.
Gotta out-grift the grifter somehow I guess
Not sure but Biden certainly did
I think they see it as the legs to the monster that is Putin
Who’s the statue of anyway?
And delicious!
Oddly enough, some of the people who survived long enough to see West Germany wanted there to be a monarchy established there…
When will fools like this realize the fundanentals of american beliefs doesn’t favor one religion over another, even if you don’t practice at all? Using religion as a base is just so disengenuous to the people.
Most reasonable Americans, and the larger worldwide Culinary Arts groups would prefer to wait a day and get them on sale so we can make fresh croutons; if you ever wonder why there’s a discount rack that’s always near empty in your local bakery, it’s probably someone buying out the day old lot for the afforementioned croutons or something like crostini for some kind of appetizer dish.
And popularized by utility, not profit or market share
No Mac is complete without cheese, maybe a nice melter like gruyere?
Do Windows 8 RT next!
Yeah, that’s just enough to be a super-majority
I hope we can sue the shit out of him like when he denied Sandy Hook
Tell them you don’t know so they can waste their time in exposition monologues.
We don’t all believe it’s fake, it’s just fun to call his stuff fake news in a roundabout way.*148jud3*_ga*bzFZUGVLYU5aajJCdmtESm5lUkpPOWg4VDU1R3c3NUNBNTBqUlJaRkNOTVl6ZmFyQnM3LW52SG53TnBqU1pORQ…_ga_N3H2WMRSFSMTczMDgyOTU0Ny40LjEuMTczMDgyOTU0Ny4wLjAuMA…
sorry for long link