Or a Fisher cat.
Or a Fisher cat.
You can make windows care about file case sensitivity. We enable it at work to ensure sanity with our local git repo’s. https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/how-to-make-windows-folders-case-sensitive
Yeah, this is a really weird flex. They’re taking work from the author of The Mass Psychology of Fascism, which in a general sense can be used to compare Nazism to the current MAGA movement, but saying that those susceptible to it are… Beta males?
If these mental gymnastics were any more complex they would have won gold in France last week.
I drive an F-150. I cannot reach the passenger door from the driver’s seat.
I had an order for a Tesla solar roof ($50,000ish/and also owned a few grand of TSLA stock. Cancelled the order and sold the stock after he refused to close his factory for Covid and turned all anti-mask. Fuck Elon.
Neither of us is*