Here is an English live feed about the situation.
Investigators are already inside the residence and talked with Yoon and his group. They’re planning to hold a briefing shortly.
Don’t Think, Just Jam
Here is an English live feed about the situation.
Investigators are already inside the residence and talked with Yoon and his group. They’re planning to hold a briefing shortly.
Lets hope the slowly expanding union movement within the industry reaches more countries in the future (yes, I’m aware this isn’t a game dev only problem in Indonesia but hey, change needs to start somwhere).
Hmm, considering it already reminded me of the second game (not bad but I did prefer the original, even if it was “worse”) I’ll probably skip this one. Thanks!
Ahh, I see. How is it (in general, as a mascot platformer)?
It can be difficult to get into if you approach it like a modern TES title, that’s for sure. It lacks a lot of quality of life features or unique content compared to the sequels, requiring more imagination and active engagement to make your own fun. That said, if you can overcome these issues it can be a pretty immersive experience. Also, while it’s not as popular as Skyrim, there are a few quest mods available to make things more interesting when you feel the repetition starts kicking in.
I don’t expect to finish the main story nor do I plan to play it every single day for months. It’ll most likely become a game I come back to every few months, when I want to jump back into the medieval life of my current character and play until I get bored again.
Kao the Kangaroo
Which one, original or the reboot?
Started playing Daggerfall again. It’s a fresh start, my second… I wanted to call it attempt but I don’t think that’s the right word considering I never intended to finish the game - I treat it more as a world to live in rather than something to complete.
I like it even more this time as I started to lean even more into “just immerse yourself and act as part of this world” approach since my first playthrough. Playing it again also made me really wish there was a modernized version of this concept - here’s hoping The Wayward Realms turns out decent… or just releases in general.
I hope they will but it wouldn’t hurt to nag them about it, just in case.
It might be related to the recently announced move to make Ubisoft Connect completely optional for Steam games.
I’m just speculating since they only mentioned it in regards to The Rogue Prince of Persia (bottom of the page) but they might roll out it to everything else as well? Maybe? Possibly.
Nice to finally have a date. I played the demo a good few months ago and it was pretty great, can’t wait for the full release.
I might be misremembering but I think CDPR mentioned they won’t be touching VR unless it becomes more popular. Feels like a lot of work for a niche addition for a game on its last legs support wise (probably… until the next final patch). Would be cool though.
Stream cliff notes:
I had to step away for a moment so I missed a thing or two, check the patch notes whenever they’re posted.
Here are a few that stuck in my mind throughout the years:
I came back to Cyberpunk 2077 recently. First time touching the game since the 2.0 update and I have to say I’m a bit mixed on the changes (I actually reinstalled the legacy version to make sure I’m not just misremembering things).
I’ll probably post a longer write up once I’m done with my playthrough (or at least do more testing and comparison between both version) but for now my main takeaway is this: I like the new content and all the technical improvements, gameplay, while better from a design and balance perspective, lost some of the fun for me in the process. It’s still a great title and I enjoy it quite a bit but yeah… I miss some of the old unbalanced jank of a game we had before.
I currently doing a playthrough funnily enough, didn’t realize it was so close to an anniversary.
I’ve been spending more time exploring and doing side activities this time around, just driving around and taking photos. It ended up being quite a surprising experience. I was surprised with how easy the game is, how fast the story moves or how empty some parts of the world are (makes sense considering when it released). Taking the world in a more touristy way was an interesting change compared to how I experienced those games before. It’s also a way of playing I’ve been trying to move towards more and more recently (doing the same with Cyberpunk as well).
I still think it’s a great game but IV and, to lesser extent, Vice City are probably my favorites as far as mainline games are concerned. IV especially as it had a nice grounded approach to gameplay with weighty movement, interactions and driving, as well as the story - it sucks most people hated this as GTAV ended up being a rather mid experience for me.
Hey everyone,
I realise my previous comments may have given the wrong impression, and I spoke too soon on this topic. I’ve since regrouped with the larger team(s) to ensure we’re all fully aligned on the Galaxy’s future. To clarify: while there’s no base-building module currently in active development for the Galaxy, we’re fully committed to enabling a large base-building drone module for it down the line. The Galaxy won’t be the first ship for building large-scale structures when base building launches, but will come soon-after, and its potential for that role is very much intact.
My earlier comment about when things are “speculative” was incorrect. We want to make sure that when we walk on stage, during ISC, or in any presentation, you can walk away feeling confident in the information we share.
We’ll share more information on this module as it becomes available. Thanks for all of the feedback, and I’ll be monitoring threads closely if you have any more questions.
I mean, it’s yet another case of CIG saying something to sell people on a specific idea then changing their mind without informing those who spent money on that thing. People wouldn’t even know ship they bought lost one of its gameplay features without randoms on Spectrum asking about it.
Things change, sure, but removing functionality just to sell it again with another ship AND without openly informing about said change of plans (remember “open development”?) kinda stinks.
I only properly played 1, 2 and a bit of Black Flag but based on that and what I’ve seen from all the other games I’m gonna stick with the first one.
Investigations were… well actual investigation, gameplay mechanics while simple and satisfying weren’t overly automated and the game wasn’t burdened with all the bloat that came afterwards. Simplified movement system from later games, one that’s fighting you whenever you try to do something even a little out of game’s comfort zone, is probably my major sticking point with the series.
That said, I’m not sure if that would be the best choice for you. If you want to try the classic approach I’d suggest going with the Ezio trilogy (II, Brotherhood, Revelations) as these games are more polished, if a little bloated, compared to the first game. They should still hold up well enough to have fun.
Ubisoft also announced both The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest will have an offline mode (twitter post, screenshot). Looks like the Stop Killing Games campaign is working.
Speaking of, if you’re in EU make sure to sign the The European Citizens’ Initiative petition - we’re already over 30% required signatures!
I don’t think there were much if any attempts to make a petition in the US. If I recall correctly, Ross spoke with a lawyer who told him the chances for a positive outcome are close to null which is why he decided to focus on other markets - mainly: Australia, Brazil, Canada, EU, France and UK.
The failed petition mentioned was in UK, just like this one, but was canceled due to early elections. EU petition is still going, with a little bit over 6 months left, while Australian and Canadian ones closed last year. There was also a push to contact the local consumer protection agencies in Australia, France and Germany since they seem to have the tools to look into the issue as well.